Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (2024)





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Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (7)

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CommonSeated Butterfly Pose
EnglishSeated Butterfly Pose
Sanskrit Upavistha Titli Asana
All Seated Butterfly Pose, Upavistha Titli Asana, Papillon Pose
Level Beginner
PositionsSitting, Hand-To-Feet
TypeStretch, Strength
KoshasAnnamaya Kosha, Manomaya Kosha
Yoga StylesAcro,Anusara,Bhakti,Body Positive, Gentle, Hatha, Hot, Integrative, Kids, Patanjala, Postnatal, Power, Satyananda, Seniors, Tantra, Therapy, Viniyoga, Vinyasa, Yang, Yin-Yang, Yinyasashow more...
Sanskrit Pronunciation Play Audio
Chakras Solar Plexus (Manipura Chakra), Sacral Chakra (Swadisthana Chakra), Root Chakra (Muladhara Chakra)
Doshas (Ayurveda) Pitta, Kapha
Elements Fire, Water, Earth

Seated Butterfly Pose (Upavistha Titli Asana) is a warm-up yoga pose before an Ashtanga or Vinyasa practice, Power Yoga/Pilates session, or other routines. It is also considered a Sukshma Vyayama (subtle practice). Included in peak pose yoga sequences, this pose helps prepare for Baddha Konasana and its variations. It also forms part of Pawanmuktasana Series I, which focuses on stretching and flexing the various joints. Swami Satyananda of Bihar school introduced this practice. The main objectives are:

  • To increase the flexibility in the hips and groins.
  • To create awareness of the body and breath with mindful movement.
  • To release tension from the lower body.
  • To strengthen the hip joint and IT band.

Hence, this practice is particularly beneficial for beginners or those with limited mobility looking to improve hip joint health and flexibility. The name "Upavistha Titli Asana" is derived from the Sanskrit words, wherein Upavistha means seated, Titli means Butterfly, and Asana means Pose. With the soles of the feet together in a Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana), the knees are flapped in a rhythmic movement, similar to the fluttering of butterfly wings. Hence the name Seated Butterfly Pose. The body finds a sense of rootedness and connection to the earth's energy, with the knees dropping towards the earth. This dynamic practice focuses on the hip joint, infusing a sense of lightness and grace. The benefits of flapping the knees in Seated Butterfly Pose extend far beyond the physical realm, reaching deep into the realm of the mind, body, and spirit. Here, amidst the gentle undulation of the legs, one discovers a sacred dance of liberation and renewal.

Seated Butterfly Pose is a simple hip-opening practice that prepares the hip joints for internal and external hip-opening yoga poses. Given its nature, it can be included in yoga for pregnant women, for delivery ease; and senior citizens, aiding in the alleviation of arthritis/osteoporosis symptoms. The slow and controlled movement in Upavistha Titli Asana improves blood circulation in the pelvis, knees, and legs, preventing joint degeneration and extreme pain in the lower back region of the buttocks, hips, hamstrings, and feet. Hence can be included in therapeutic and restorative yoga sequences for rheumatoid arthritis, piriformis syndrome, fibromyalgia, nocturnal leg syndrome, and sciatica. Furthermore, included in yoga for women, it helps in reducing discomfort related to PCOD/PCOS.

Seated Butterfly Pose is both a grounding and soothing practice with both the Yin and Yang, the qualities of stillness and movement, surrender and effort. As the knees gently rise and fall, practitioners may find emotional tension melting away, leaving them feeling lighter and more at ease. A sedentary lifestyle can lead to stiff and tight hips and hamstrings. Seated Butterfly Pose can help mitigate these risks and improve overall well-being for people who sit for prolonged periods, such as working professionals, travelers, and teens. Enhancing lower body flexibility, the Seated Butterfly Pose can be a wonderful addition to yoga for sportspeople or athletes. This creative practice can be added to yoga for kids as a way to develop their interest in yoga. Gentle Pose in nature, Seated Butterfly Pose should be included in daily yoga sequences for all to maintain Hip Joint Health and Longevity! Furthermore, this hip and heart-opening practice can be included in joint freeing routines before pranayama and mediation sessions.

Papillon Pose is considered a base pose as papillon posevariations can be derived from this pose.Papillon Pose is considered a warm-up yoga pose to prepare the body for more intense yoga poses / yoga flows.


Papillon Pose benefits the following muscles and hence can be included in yoga sequenceswith the corresponding muscle(s) focus:

  • Feet and Ankles
  • Hips-External
  • Knees
  • Pelvic
  • Quadriceps


Papillon Pose belongs to the following categories:

  • Warm ups

Papillon Pose yoga sequences

Papillon Pose is commonly found in the following types of yoga sequences:

  • Kids yoga sequences
  • Postnatal yoga sequences

Papillon PoseTummee Yoga Cues

Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (14)
1. Feet: outer edges on floor, active arch
Heels: in towards perineum
Toes: big toes pressed together
2. Arms: softly engaged
Fingers: interlocked at toes
3. Sit bones: grounded equally
Hips: external rotation
Knees: active, out towards the floor, in a flapping movement
4. Chest: active and broad
Chin: neutral
Shoulders: rolled back and down
5. Spine: long and lifted from the base
Back: engaged and broad
6. Muscles: core, hip flexors, pelvic floor
Navel: pulled in
7. Gaze: normal in front
Breath: inhale/exhale naturally

Learn more:Papillon Pose Tummee Yoga Cues

Papillon PoseBenefits

Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (15)

Since the Seated Butterfly Pose (Upavistha Titli Asana) is a knee-flapping variation of the Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana), the benefits of the same apply here. In addition to that, the knee movement brings the following benefits:

  1. Alignment and Posture: Upavistha Titli Asana wonderfully stretches the back without straining the hamstrings, opens the hips, and stimulates the internal organs. This practice is both grounding and soothing. The following alignment awareness has to be kept in mind for effective practice:
    • The soles of the feet are together, ensuring that the outer edges of the feet and legs are firmly rooted on the mat.
    • The knees are opened out towards the floor without forcing.
    • Sit evenly on your sitting bones, avoiding leaning excessively forward or backward.
    • Keep the movement controlled, allowing your knees to rise and fall with the natural rhythm of your breath. Inhale as your knee rises and exhale as they lower.
    As you flap the knees, bring awareness to your hips and groin area sensations. Notice any areas of tightness or resistance and breathe into them, allowing them to soften and release with each movement. Seated Butterfly Pose can further enhance the stretch and promote hip relaxation. Hence, it can be added to yoga sequences for all.

Learn more:Papillon Pose Benefits

Papillon PoseContraindications

Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (16)

Seated Butterfly Pose (Upavistha Titli Asana) comes with the same limitations as mentioned in Butterfly Pose (Baddha Konasana). Hence, yoga teachers can refer to this.

Learn more: Papillon Pose Contraindications

Papillon Pose Variations

Below are some common variations of the yoga pose Papillon Posewith base pose as Bound Angle Pose(Baddha Konasana).

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (17)

    Bound Angle Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (18)

    Butterfly Pose Variation Forward Bend

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (19)

    Revolved Bound Angle Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (20)

    Half Butterfly Pose Variation Forward Bend

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (21)

    Seated Butterfly Pose

  • +89
  • Sign-up to view all 89 variations of Seated Butterfly Pose andcreate your own library of yoga poses to easily and quickly plan youryoga sequences.

  • Learn more: Papillon Pose Variations

Papillon PoseSteps

Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (23)

Given below are the step-by-step instructions to follow for the practice of the Seated Butterfly Pose (Upavistha Titli Asana):

  1. Begin the practice by sitting on a mat with your legs extended in front of you in Dandasana (Staff Pose). Hands by the side of your body. The spine is nice and long. Take a few breaths here.
  2. Now bend your knees and join the soles of your feet.
  3. Inhale and hold your ankles with your palms. Move the heels to the groins as much as you can.
  4. Exhaling, allow your knees to fall and open on the sides [Refer: Baddha Konasana Close Up]. Sit evenly on your sitting bones, maintaining a long and upright spine.
  5. Once you have settled in Baddha Konasana, begin the flapping movement by lifting and lowering the knees in a gentle, rhythmic motion. Keep the movement fluid and controlled, allowing your knees to rise and fall with the natural rhythm of your breath. Imagine your knees gently fluttering like a butterfly's wings, creating a sense of lightness in the body.
  6. Engage your core muscles to support your spine and maintain stability in the pose. Keep your shoulders relaxed and avoid any tension in your neck. Ensure that both sitting bones remain grounded and evenly rooted to the floor.
  7. Coordinate the breathing and movement of your knees in Upavistha Titli Asana for about six breaths or as per the body's capacity, fixing your gaze up at any point in front or eyes closed. Take slow, deep breaths, allowing the breath to guide the movement and deepen the stretch in the inner thighs and groins. Inhale as your knee rises and exhale as they lower.
  8. To release, stop the flapping movement. Take a moment and sit quietly for a while in Baddha Konasana. Inhale, using your hands, draw your knees together, then straighten your legs, and return to Dandasana.
  9. Finally, relax in Staff Pose Hands Back Knees Bent.
  10. After the practice of Seated Butterfly Pose, Shoelace Pose (Padukabandhini Asana) is a good counter-cooling pose that gives an internal rotation to the hips.

Tips for students and teachers:

  • Students who feel any strain on their knees or hips can place a blanket, bolster, pillow, or blocks under their thighs or knees for better support; or can move the heels away from the upper body.
  • Students and seniors who find it difficult to sit on the floor can follow the same sitting on a bed or couch.
  • Those who cannot maintain a long and erect back can follow the pose against the wall.

Learn more: Papillon Pose Steps

Papillon Pose Yoga Sequence Preparatory Poses

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (24)

    Bound Angle Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (25)

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  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (26)

    Seated Windshield Wiper Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (27)

    Seated Forward Bend Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (28)

    Seated Cat Cow Pose

  • +15
  • Sign-up to view all 15 Preparatory poses of Seated Butterfly Pose andcreate your own library of yoga poses to easily and quickly plan youryoga sequences.

Papillon Pose Yoga Sequence Relaxing Follow-up Poses

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (30)

    Butterfly Pose Variation Forward Bend

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (31)

    Revolved Bound Angle Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (32)

    Butterfly Pose A

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (33)

    Bound Angle Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (34)

    Cat Cow Pose

  • +15
  • Sign-up to view all 15 Relaxing poses of Seated Butterfly Pose andcreate your own library of yoga poses to easily and quickly plan youryoga sequences.

Learn more about us.

Papillon Pose Yoga Sequence Relaxing Follow-up Poses

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (36)

    Seated Forward Bend Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (37)

    Seated Butterfly Pose Bound Hands Up Down Flow

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (38)

    Butterfly Pose Legs Up Arms Under Legs

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (39)

    Revolved Head To Knee Pose

  • Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (40)

    Cat Cow Pose Bound Angle Legs

  • +13
  • Sign-up to view all 13 Levelup poses of Seated Butterfly Pose andcreate your own library of yoga poses to easily and quickly plan youryoga sequences.

How to do Papillon Pose

The below cues and yoga sequences added by yoga teachers show multiple ways to do Papillon Pose depending on the focus of your yogasequence and the ability of your students.

To view the complete steps and corresponding yoga sequence, pleaseconsider signing-up to yoga sequence builder that is trusted by yoga teachers worldwideto plan their yoga classes.

  1. 1. Aufrichten: laaange WS, lange Arme, langer Nacken - Knie z. Boden drücken - Dehnung spüren: Fing bis Schulter, Knie bis Steißbein, Sitzhöcker bis Nacken 2. Knie auf und ab, wie Schmetterling - Langer Rücken „Schmetterlings-Effekt – Flügelschlag einziger Schmetterlings kann auf der anderen Erdh...

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher
  2. Hoppa fram í sitjandi stöu Firðildið, hreyfa vængina, loka augum

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  3. Feet together, gently flap legs quickly

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  4. Vip, vip, vip, lade åndedrættet flyde

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  5. face the bottomtom of your feet together and open both knees to the side grab on to your toes and sit up tall, imagine you are try to reach the sky with the crown of your head, so spine is straight release your body to the butterfly forward fold try to reach the floor with your stomach not your h...

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  6. Move your legs up and down like a flying butterfly

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  7. You have completed many exciting poses and movements so far, I am so proud of you! Lets flutter our legs like a beautiful and light butterfly. Sit with your feet together and grab your feet, now flutter them up and down like a butterfly. how does that feel?

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  8. And watch butterflies float around

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher
  9. Inhale sit tall, sit on block /blocks under hips Take the soles of feet together, legs can be further away/close to body Hands onto shins or around feet Press into little toe edges External contraction outer things Inhale slowly flutter the legs up & down like a butterflies wings Exhale to release

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  10. Begin fluttering the knees up and down gently for several breaths.

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  11. Exhale bring ankles to crotch souls of feet are touching hands holding feet spine is long shoulders relaxed both sit bones on floor chin slightly tucked in

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  12. Hands to feet. give your footsies a bit of a rub. Flutter legs up and down like a butterfly. and lets think about all the amazing things our feet does for us. walking, running, jumping kicking. lets thank our feet for being so good to us.

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  13. In your own time, mobilise your hips and legs by flapping them like a butterfly wings. Keep your spine straight.

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training
  14. Exhale bring ankles to crotch souls of feet are touching hands holding feet spine is long shoulders relaxed both sit bones on floor chin slightly tucked in moving our knees up and down like a butterfly flapping her wings

    • Sign-Up to View Sequence and Complete Cues
    • added on by a yoga-teacher-in-training

Discover more cues, teaching ideas, and how to do steps at How to Do Papillon Pose

Papillon Pose Yoga Sequences

Please sign-up to view Papillon Pose yoga sequences. We have 750000+ reference sequences along withfoundational yoga sequences built from a library of 6000+ yoga poses(with new yoga poses added daily).

Papillon PoseTitles in English and Sanskrit

Many yoga poses have multiple titles because of differences in their Sanskrit to English title translationor a specific title becoming popular because of it's common usage amongst yoga teachers and yoga practitioners. Below are common titles of Papillon Pose:

  • Seated Butterfly Pose
  • Upavistha Titli Asana
  • Papillon Pose

Papillon Pose Sanskrit

Papillon Pose sanskrit title is Upavistha Titli Asana. Please click on the link below to listen to Sanskrit pronunciation of Seated Butterfly Pose (Papillon Pose):

Play Sanskrit audio pronunciation for Upavistha Titli Asana

More about Papillon Pose

  • Tummee Yoga Cues
  • Benefits
  • Steps
  • Contraindications
  • How To Do
  • Titles in English and Sanskrit
Seated Butterfly Pose Yoga  (Papillon Pose) | Yoga Sequences, Benefits, Variations, and Sanskrit Pronunciation | (2024)


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Name: Rubie Ullrich

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