The Bloomington Record from Bloomington, Wisconsin (2024)

THE BLOOMINGTON RECORD Births Mrs. Chris Breuer the birth of a 7 lb. anncunce oz, baby girl born Tuesday morning, April 2, at the Beaumont Hospital in Prairie, The Ladies of St. John's Altar Society will meet Monday evening April 8th, at 8 p.m, at the church basem*nt. All the ladies are urged to attend this meeting.

The Patch Grove Band Boosters Club will meet on Thursday, April 11, at 8 p.m. Members will be notified as to place of the meeting. Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Boldt and family of LaCrosse spent the weekend at the Walter Bierman home.

Sympathy is extended to the relatives of Mrs. May Dewey, who passed away at her home last Thursday. Funeral services were held on Monday. She leaves to mourn, one son, La Verne, and several sisters and brothers, GRASS SEED A Complete line for your needs at Planting Time Grove Lad Advances To State Musical Contest At the music festival in Platte ville Friday the following students received a first in their group: Alvena Finn, piano and clarinet; Monroe, saxophone; Shelia Cuchna, Saxophone; James Curtis, a 1st and a star on the tuba. The star entitles James to go to the state music festival in Madison on Saturday, May 11th, Congratulations to HERE'S the SEED CORN Bride TAILOR, MADE THROUGH RE.

LAR FARM FOR YOUR PARTICUFOR A PAR. FARM! TICULAR FIELD ON YOUR ASK US ABOUT IT NOW! PLANT IT IN THE SPRING! Fred Vorwald, Bloomington Allen Cooley, Bagley Delbert Wenzel, Little Grant Dale Tischhauser, Patch Grove RANGER MEDIUM CLOVER TERRA VERDE 119 ALFALFA SWEET CLOVER LADINO CLOVER WASHINGTON ALSIKE TIMOTHY TERRA VERDA is an excellent "plow-down" alfalfa HARDY KANSAS SEED OATS Lee WE HAVE FAYETTE A LIMITED SEED AMOUNT OATS OF Priced at $2.10 per bushel ALSO A LIMITED AMOUNT OF RODNEY CERTIFIED OATS Priced at $1.80 per bushel PRODUCE BLOOMINGTON COMPANY V. J. PHILIPPS, Prop. Bloomington Phone 59 There will be a regular meeting of the RNA at their hall on Monday evening, April 8th, at 8 p.m.

All members are urged to attend. Mike and Susan Zenz of Prairie spent the weekend at the Fred Zenz home, Their parents, Sgt. and Mrs. Ed Zenz, returned home Sunday after a 10-day trip to New Orleans, Galveston and Houston, Texas, Enroute they were overnite guests at the Francis Bergner home in St. Louis, Mo.

Robert Matthew Nies, in fant son of Mr. and Mrs. Max Nies, was baptized Sunday at St. John's Church by Fr. Richard Schlaefer, Sponsors were Mr.

and Mrs. Ed Stroede of Wisconsin Dells. Mrs. Elmer Knautz and Mrs. Rose Peters of Darlington are helping at the Max Nies home this week.

Charles Finn and Oral roe of Mt. Hope attended a Jersey cattle sale in St. Paul on Saturday. Callers at the home of, James W. Millin Sunday afternoon were Mmes.

Ruby Genske, Belle Nash, Emma Orr and Liz Ruckdaschel all of Bagley. Miss Patricia Smith spent the weekend in Minneapolis and La Crosse. Mr. and Mrs. Dan Smith spent Sunday in Dubuque, where Smith attended the KC initiatien of 67 new members.

Mrs. Julie McAdaragh and Robert McAdaragh and sons Chicago spent several days here on business and called at the Dan Smith home Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Mink and daughter of Kenosha and Mrs, Julia Mink of Lancaster, Eugene L.

Whitford VETERINARIAN Phone 58-Bloomington MARIE'S CAFE MEALS LUNCHES "Come In And Eat, Before We Both Starve!" Open 6 a.m, 6:30 p.m. spent the weekend at the Donald Mink home, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bathke of Dubuque, and Mr. and Mrs.

Harville of Prairie were Sunday dinner guests at the Keith Harville home in honor of Trudy's first birthday, Mrs. Ruby Gerlach and Earl, and Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Sprosty of Eastman were Sunday dinner guests at, the Louis Roach home, Mr. and Mrs.

Francis Spang-1 ler and boys spent Sunday at the Arthur Spangler home in Richland Center. Mrs. Arnold Traupe and Fay, and Mrs. Francis Retallick and baby of Beetown, visited with Mrs. Julia Brodt at her home Saturday afternoon.

Mr. and Mrs. Albert Borah of Prairie were Wednesday even ing supper guests at the Thayne Parker home. Mr. and Mrs.

Harry Wetmore of Prairie also called at the Parker home Wednesday afternoon. Mrs. Lawrence Hamilton attended Lutheran Guild at the August Boldt home near Bagley Thursday afternoon, Sunday, Mrs. Lawrence Hamilton, James and Gary, were din ner guests at the Earl home in Bagley. Mrs.

Lawrence Hamilton accompanied Mr. Mrs. Lee Wood and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Moore to the Jack Boldt home near Prairie Saturday evening to help Mr.

Boldt celebrate his birthday. Mrs. Julius Breuer entertained Mr. and Mrs. Everett Hope and Mr.

and Mrs. Everett fa*gan at supper at their home on Wednesday evening in honor of Nicky's 9th birthday, Mrs. Thayne Parker and Patsy and Miss Madge Humphrey drove to Davenport Saturday to get Mrs. Amy Parker, who will be employed at the Home for the Aged in Lancaster, Mrs. Thomas Harper and children, Charles and Barbara, who were accompanied here by her parents, Mr.

Mrs. Harry Schulze of Canon City, left Monday to return to their homes Life, Annuities, Accident, Sickness Group James R. Bittner Agent NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY 202 S. Minnesota St. Prairie du Chien, Wis.

Phone 275W OLDSMOBIL GEARED TO MIDWESTERN LIVING it to me "That J-2 Rocket proves the in one engines two like is GOLDEN ROCKET HOLIDAY COUPE HE: Right! This J-2 is really a new driving experience! FRIEND: Well, I've handled a Rocket Engine before, but nothing like this. They've always had pep, but this one's got that extra pep when you need it! HE: Don't forget economy. FRIEND: Yes, but you can't feel economy. HE: Feels pretty good to the pocketbook. FRIEND: Right! But it beats me how you get coon: omy with a big car like Olds.

HE: Easy. For cruising around, you just use one dualbarrel carburetor. Lodel 7-400 Engine standard on all models. J-2 Rocket with 277 p. FRIEND: Bet that waters down your performance some.

HE: Not a bit. I've got regular Rocket performance right through the economy range. And believe me; that's plenty. But if you need more power FRIEND: Then what? HE: Go to Stage Two. You just saw what that does: Give it three-quarters throttle and you've got three dual carburetors dishing up more power and torque.

FRIEND: Tell you the truth, I've always liked an Olda. Thought we might get one ourselves some day. HE: Checked the price lately? You'd be surprised how easy it is to own. 300 and special Rocket Engles, $12 8 evollable of extre cont SEE YOUR AUTHORIZED OLDSMOBILE QUALITY DEALER ADVERTISING MEDIUM Wednesday, Mrs. Geo, Hetherington, John Schoenberger and two daughters and Mrs.

Cele Murley of LaCrosse were Wednesday dinner guests at the home of Mrs. May Humphrey. Mrs. Murley came to attend the funeral of Thomas Harper. Mr.

and Mrs. A.M. Sobota, and Mr. and Mrs. Bill Mergen of Bloomington spent Saturday at LaCrosse, Mr.

and Mrs. Cappie Millin took them to Savanna and they then continued via train to their home. Sunday, Mr, and Mrs. Chas. Harper, Mrs.

Thomas Harper children, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Schulze joined other relatives for a Harper family dinner at the Richard Stagman home in Lynxville, John 'Ariss of Millville sheared sheep Thursday on the Humphrey farm, and reports he still has over 1800 sheep to shear. He also has been busy making maple syrup which is especially good this year. Mrs.

Adeline Schaut and Mrs. Leone Kolman of Milwaukee spent the weekend at the Lavelle Kolman home. Mr, Mrs. Gus Meyers who have spent the past several months with Mrs. Kolman in Milwaukee, returned to their home.

Mrs. Jimmy Millin and Mrs. Leonard Pritchett spent Friday in LaCrosse on business. Sunday, Mr. and Mrs.

Clay Fralick of Lancaster and Mrs. Leslie Deakins visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jimmy Millin. Mrs.

Margie Buening and Brian, Phyllis Nugent, and Robert Benish visited at the Lavern Noethe home Saturday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilson and family, Mrs, Roy Jeidy, and Mrs. Schmidt of Prairie visited at the Bob Quick home Saturday, Mrs.

afternoon, Reuben Holzinger, who has been a medical patient at St. Mary's hospital in Madison for the past nine days, returned to her home Thursday, Mrs. Edith Millin of Prairie, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monroe of Hanover, Ill.

were Wednesday dinner guests at the Herman Adams home and attended the funeral services for Thomas Harper, Melvin F. Bonn -AT-LAW BONN BLDG. Ph. 107 Bloomington PAINT PURCHASE 4 PURCHASE 4 Obituary Will Macke Will Macke, one of six children of Henry and Barbara Miller, Macke, was born in Potosi Township, Grant County, Wisconsin, on Feb. 2, 1872.

His schooling was acquired in the local country schools of that early date but his real education was derived in the school of experience and hard knocks. A very tolerant and friendly man was for many years "Bill" a familiar figure in business, farming and livestock buying in which latter occupation his o- pinions of value were held in the highest regard. On April 21, 1899 he was u- nited in marriage with Myhala Dawson. To this union 3 children were born, Lona who died in 1909 at the age of 9 years; Earl and Archie of ton. The death of the daughter Lona was a great shock to the Mackes and one from which they never fully recovered, Bill liked the growing life that is evidenced on a farm, and to his sons the father instilled that interest in animals and the soil from which they grew.

It is to him that they owe their knowledge of live stock buying at which they have been so successful. On Dec. 21st, 1944, he was married to Bessie Harper Riggs They lived on the Macke farm in the Town of Patch Grove until his death on March 7th, 1957. In addition to the widow and two sons, he leaves to mourn his passing, 5 grandchildren and one great grandchild, Thomas William Macke, of Beardstown, Illinois. To the writer who has known Bill Macke for more than 50 years he was one of the kindest, friendliest, considerate men that it has been our privilege to know.

The illspoken word a- bout anyone never passed his lips. We have all lost a fine neighbor and a true friend. On the street or in the home we shall all miss the manly form of Bill Macke. He did not connect himself with any church or political party and never considered religions or political differences sufficiently important to found friendship or emnities upon merely asked that the same liberal views be extended to him, Against a background of beau tiful floral offerings, funeral services were held March 9th at 2 p.m. in the Metcalfe funeral home in Bloomington with the Rev.

J.A, Vincent officiat- BEGINNING MARCH 30 thru GALLONS -GET 1 QUARTS -GET 1 ing. Burial was in Bloomington cemetery, Casket bearers were Maynard Macke, Clarence Macke, Walter Macke, Milton Macke, Sam Harper and Chas. Harper, April 3, 1957 Ada Chapman Taylor Mrs. Ada Chapman Taylor was born in Beetown Township May 31, 1877, daughter of Chas. and Anna Chapman, Dec.

13, 1899 she was united in marriage to Philo Taylor, also of Beetown Township, One daughter, Ivanelle, was born to bless this union, Mr. and Mrs. Taylor observed their 50th Wedding Anniversary 7 years ago at their home in Patch Grove. With the exception of 3 years, they lived on the Glenn farm in Wyalusing Township. They farmed in the Bloomington and Patch Grove area until 1936 when they moved to Patch Grove.

Mrs. Taylor was devoted to her home and family and was a good neighbor and friend to all who knew her, She was a faithful member of the Methodist Church for 57 years, a member of the Patch Grove Royal Nelgh bor Lodge for 36 years, also a member of the Bloomington Womans Relief Corps. She passed away Wednesday March 20, at her home in Patch Grove at the age of 79 years, 9 months and 20 days. Mrs. Taylor leaves to mourn her passing her devoted husband one daughter, Ivanelle, two grandchildren, Anna May and Lyle; two brothers, Martin Chap man of Bloomington and Chas.

Chapman of Hunt, Texas and many neices and nephews, CARD OF THANKS We wish express our sincere thanks to everyone for the many cards, calls, flowers, food and all the acts of kindness shown to us in any way during our recent sadness, the illness and death of our beloved wife, mother and grandmother, Mrs. Philo Taylor. Mr. Philo Taylor; Mrs. Ivanelle Wilkinson, Anna Mae and Lyle, CARD OF THANKS I wish to express my thanks to my friends and relatives for the cards, gifts and visits during my stay in the hospital and since my return home.

Karen Deters. 50c c. I wish in this way to thank all of my relatives and friends for all the nice things they did for me to help make my stay in the hospital more pleasant, Dean Clark, 50c c. SALE 13 GALLON FREE QUART FREE PURCHASE 4 PINTS -GET 1 PINT FREE CLEAN UP PAINT UP FIX UP FOR HOME AND CITY BEAUTIFUL Yes experts in laboratories have discovered many new ways to improve paints and varnishes. They last longer, they are easier to apply, they have a better durability-test value, they are more beautiful and diversified as to dolor.

We want to show you job. And this applies to you can de yourself. these new paints. Come an all-round outside-inside in, whatever the painting paint job or little jobs BRITTINGHAM HIXON LUMBER CO. Better Homes Phone 436 Lancaster.

The Bloomington Record from Bloomington, Wisconsin (2024)


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Name: Duane Harber

Birthday: 1999-10-17

Address: Apt. 404 9899 Magnolia Roads, Port Royceville, ID 78186

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Hobby: Listening to music, Orienteering, Knapping, Dance, Mountain biking, Fishing, Pottery

Introduction: My name is Duane Harber, I am a modern, clever, handsome, fair, agreeable, inexpensive, beautiful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.