Las Ochocientas tesis y disertaciones sobre Ludwig Wittgenstein--relacion cronologica. (2024)

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1. MASLOW, Alexander Parfemi, A study in Wittgenstein's<<Tractatus logico-philosophicus>> Berkeley (Los Angeles):University of California at Berkeley, 1933, XXII, 162 p.


2. SHWAYDER, David S., Wittgenstein's Tractatus. Aninterpretation an historical study. Oxford: Christ Church, 1953.


3. NERLICH, G.G., Wittgenstein's <<Tractatuslogico-philosophicus>>. Adelaide (Australia): University ofAdelaide, 1957.


4. GINNANE, W. J., Thought, language and behaviour, with particularreference to the later works of Wittgenstein. Melbourne (Australia):University of Melbourne, 1958.


5. ESTRADA GALES, Sara, Estudio del lenguaje en los escritos deWittgenstein (1918-1949). Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 1959, 59p.


6. ALLAIRE, Edwin Bonar, jr., A critical Examination ofWittgenstein's Tractatus. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1960, 234p.

7. GRIFFIN, J. P., Wittgenstein's logical atomism. A criticalexposition of the basic philosophical theories on which the<<Tractatus>> is built Oxford: Corpus Christi, 1960.

8. ZWEIG, Arnulf, Theories of real definition: a study of the viewsof Aristotle, C.I. Lewis, and Wittgenstein. Stanford: StanfordUniversity, 1960, 194 p.


9. CAVELL, Stanley Louis, The Claim to Rationality: Knowledge andthe basis of Morality. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1961, 142p.

10. CROWE, Charles Lawson, A new estimate of the significance ofWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>> for the analysis oftheological discourse. New York: Columbia University, 1961, 200 p.

11. GIBBS, Benjamin Robert, Wittgenstein and the problem ofmeaning. Christchurch (New Zealand): University of Canterbury, 1961.

12. HICKS, J. R., Language-games and Inner Experience. London:University College London, 1961.

13. O'BRIEN, George Dennis, Meaning and fact: a study in thephilosophy of Wittgenstein. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1961, 141 p.

14. PAMPAPATHY, Rao A., Problems of meaning, with special referenceto Wittgenstein. Saugar (India): University of Saugar, 1961.


15. COLBERT, James G., Ideas basicas del <<Tractatus>>de Wittgenstein. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 1962, 72 p.

16. KIELKOPF, Charles, An examination of Ludwig Wittgenstein's<<Remarks on the foundations of mathematics>>. Minneapolis:University of Minnesota, 1962, 195 p.

17. MORAN, John Henry, Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophicalTherapy. Bronx: Fordham Univesity, 1962, 443 p.

18 SHAW, J. W., The influence of the later philosophy ofWittgenstein upon the philosophy of mind. Bangor (Wales); University ofWales, 1962.

19. SIVASAMBU, N., Some problems presented in the<<Tractatus>>. London: University College London, 1962.

20. WOLNIEWICZ, Boguslaw, Semantyka jezyka potocznego w nowejfilozofii Wittgenstein. Torun: Uniwersytetu Torun 1962.


21. FELIX, F. J. P. C., Situacao da linguagem no<<Tractatus>> de Wittgenstein.Sao Paulo: Universidade de SaoPaulo, Faculdade de Filosofia, Ciencias Humanas e Letras, 1963.

22. GRIFFITH, William Byron, Problems about infinity:Wittgenstein's contributions. New Haven: Yale University, 1963, 144p.


23. FAVRHOLDT, David, An interpretation and critique ofWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Copenhagen: KobenhavnsUniversitet, 1964.

24. HALLETT, Garth, Definitio Wittgensteiniana significationis etusum. Roma: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1964, 210 p.

25. HARRIS, Charles Edwin, jr., Wittgenstein's criticism ofostensive explanation. Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 1964, 218 p.

26. HERVEY, H., Meaning and psychological concepts in the laterphilosophy of Wittgenstein. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1964.

27. MORRISON, James Carlton, Meaning and truth inWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. University Park:Pennsylvania State University, 1964, 176 p.

28. RUDDICK, Sara Loop, Wittgenstein on sensation statements.Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1964, 153 p.


29. BURLINGAME, Charles Edward, On the Logic of <<Seeingas>> Locution.Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1965, 168p.

30. DOWNEY, Richard Kenneth, Pain in Wittgenstein. Toronto:University of Toronto, 1965.

31. GARVER, Newton, Grammar and Criteria.Ithaca (N.Y.): CornellUniversity, 1965, 349 p.

32. HIGH, Dallas Milton, Language and belief. Studies inWittgenstein's <<Philosophical Investigations>> and thereligious use of language. Durham, N. C.: Duke University, 1965, 291 p.

33. HOPE, V.M., Wittgenstein's <<Tractatuslogico-philosophicus>> and the picture theory of meaning.Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1965.

34. LONG, Thomas Aquinas, Wittgenstein, criteria and privateexperience. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, 1965, 161 p.

35. ZIMMERMANN, Sheldon, Some aspects of Wittgenstein's theoryof meaning. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1965.


36. BLACK, Donald John, On Wittgenstein's Simples. Toronto:University of Toronto, 1966.

37. BLOCKER, Harry Eugene, An Examination of Problems Involved inthe Ascription of Emotive Features to Works of Art. Berkeley: Universityof California at Berkeley, 1966, 401 p.

38. BUCHANAN, Rupert Archer, Wittgenstein's discussion ofsensation. Durham, N.C.: Duke University, 1966, 260 p.

39. DOUMA, Felix John, Grammar in the later philosophy ofWittgenstein. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1966.

40. GOFF, Robert Allen, The language of method inWittgenstein's <<Philosophical Investigations>>.Madison, Wisc.: Drew University, 1966/67, 153 p.

41. HARWICK, Charles Sidnes, Language learning and language gamesin Wittgenstein's later work. Austin: The University of Texas atAustin, 1966/67, 217 p.

42. KIRBY, Ronald Vernon, The other Mind Quandery.Berkeley:University of California at Berkeley, 1966, 318 p.

43. KNUFERMANN, B., Theorien Wittgensteins in derBildsprache.Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 1966, 140 p.

44. LAL, B., Language, logic, and the world. An Examination of someparts of Wittgenstein's Tractatus.London: Birkbeck College, 1966.

45. LIVELY, Elaine, An examination of the concept of meaning inWittgenstein and Schlick. Hamilton, Ont.: Mac Master University, 1966.

46. MORICK, Harold, Wittgenstein's attack on the privilegedaccess view of thoughts and feelings. New York: Columbia University,1966, 138 p.

47. SHERIDAN, Gregory Robert, The Privacy of Mind: An Essay on theLogic of Psychological Statements. Los Angeles: University of Californiaat Los Angeles, 1966, 227 p.

48. SUNDARAJAN, R.,Studies in the later philosophy of Wittgenstein.Madras (India): University of Madras, 1966.

49. WIEBENGA, William Martin, Wittgenstein's Theory ofMeaning. New Haven: Yale University, 1966, 284 p.


50. AMDUR, Stephen, Toward an Understanding of the Later Philosophyof Wittgenstein. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 1967.

51. BOGEN, James Benjamin, Aspects of the development ofWittgenstein's philosophy of language. Berkeley: University ofCalifornia at Berkeley, 1967 474 p.

52. BRODEUR, Jean-Paul, La notion de philosophie dans l'oeuvrede Wittgenstein. Montreal : Universite de Montreal, 1967.

53. FANN, Kuang Tih, Wittgenstein's Conception of Philosophy.Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1967, 136 p.

54. GRAY, Hilary Christine, Trascendental freedom in the light ofWittgenstein's <<Philosophical Investigations>>.Hamilton: Mc Master University, 1967.

55. GUSTASON, William Whitby, Negation and assertion in Frege andthe <<Tractatus>>. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1967,322 p.

56. HUNNINGS, G., Wittgenstein's Theories of Language. London:University College London, 1967.

57. KIM, Yersu, Die bedeutungstheoretische Problematik in derPhilosophie Wittgensteins und Husserls. Bonn: Universitat Bonn, 1967,131 p.

58. LE MIERE, Arthur Paul, An Examination of Wittgenstein'sviews on private language. Montreal: Mc Gill University, 1967.

59. LEWIS, Harry Anthony, Criteria, Theory and Knowledge of OtherMinds. Stanford: Stanford University, 1967, 222 p.

60. MULLER, Anselm, Ontologie in Wittgensteins<<Tractatus>>. Fribourg / Suisse: Universite de Fribourg,1967, 250 p.

61. ROSSI, Jean Gerard, Le << Tractatus logico-philosophicus>> de Ludwig Wittgenstein. Paris : Universite de Paris, 1967.

62. SCHWARZ, D. S., A new approach to the interpretation ofWittgenstein's <<Tractatus logico- philosophicus>>. St.Andrews: University of St. Andrews, 1967.

63. SIEVERT, Donald Edward, Austin, Wittgenstein, and Strawson onMind. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1967, 141 p.

64. SMERUD, Warren Douglas, Can There Be a Private Language? AReview of Some Principal Arguments. Seattle: University of Washington,1967, 171 p.

65. TOLAND, William Gipsy, The later Wittgenstein and classicalpragmatism: a critical appraisal. Chapel Hill: University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill, 1967, 262 p.


66. BECKMAN, James B., Wittgenstein and religious belief. Toronto:St. Michael's College, 1968.

67. BELL, Richard Henry, Theology as Grammar: Uses of LinguisticPhilosophy for the Study of Theology, with Special Reference to LudwigWittgenstein. New Haven: Yale University, 1968, 267 p.

68. BERLINSKI, David, The well-tempered Wittgenstein. Princeton:Princeton University, 1968, 171 p.

69. DIPRE, Giulio Louis, The language-games of Wittgenstein. Aprolegomenon to a metaphysics of being. Saint Bonaventure: University ofSt. Bonaventure, 1968, 184 p.

70. GIEGEL, Hans Joachim, Die Logik der seelischen Ereignisse: zurTheorien von L. Wittgenstein und W. Sellars. Frankfurt a.M.; UniversitatFrankfurt am Main, 1968, 162 p.

71. GRANT, Brian Eric James, Wittgenstein on Pain and Privacy.Irvine: University of California, 1968, 137 p.

72. HART, Wilbur Dyre, Wittgenstein: philosophy, logic andmathematics. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1968, 232 p.

73. KLUGE, Eike-Henner Wendelin, Functions and things: an essay inthe metaphysics of Frege and Wittgenstein. Ann Arbor: University ofMichigan, 1968, 380 p.

74. LANFEAR, Jimmy Ray, An analysis of Wittgenstein's locution<<meaning as use>>. Houston: Rice University, 1968, 223 p.

75. NKULU, W.S.,A critical analysis of some metaphysicalinterpretations of Wittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>.Pretoria: University of South Africa, 1968.

76. SCHWYZER, Hubert Rudolf George, The Acquisition of Concepts andthe Use of Language. Berkeley: University of California at Berkeley,1968, 186 p.

77. SHALOM, Albert, Etudes sur la philosophie du langage : lesdoctrines de Frege et du << Tractatus >> de Wittgenstein.Paris : Universite de Paris, 1968.

78. WHITE, James Eadie, Cartesian Privacy and the Problem of theOther Minds. Denver: University of Colorado, 1968, 218 p.


79. BINKLEY, Timothy Glenn, Wittgenstein's Language. Austin:University of Texas, 1969, 294 p.

80. BRINTON, George de, The Fly in the Bottle. Literary theory andthe philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Seattle: University ofWashington, 1969, 154 p.

81. DWIVEDI, Deoki Nandan, Wittgenstein and his influence oncontemporary English Philosophy.Allahabad (India): University ofAllahabad, 1969.

82. GARVEY, James A., The problem of other selves in the philosophyof Wittgenstein. Louvain: Universite de Louvain, 1969.

83. GEBAUER, Gunter, Paradigmen, Bilder, Normen. Beitrage zu einerTheorie der Bedeutung im Anschluss an die spate Philosophie LudwigWittgensteins. Berlin: Technische Universitat, 1969, 116 p.

84. GOTTLIEB, Diane F., The effect of Wittgenstein's views oflanguage and meaning on Hume's epistemology. Washington: AmericanUniversity, 1969.

85. HARVEY, Jean, Wittgenstein's treatment of the asymetry ofmentalistic terms. Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, 1969.

86. LEVIN, Michael Bric, Wittgenstein's philosophy ofmathematics. New York: Columbia University, 1969, 526 p.

87. PRICE, Jeffrey Thomas, Language and being inWittgenstein's <<Philosophical Investigations>>.University Park: Pennsylvania State University, 1969, 141 p.

88. RINGER, Christine Helene Mary, Wittgenstein on criteria, pain,and understanding. Auckland (New Zealand): University of Auckland, 1969.

89. SANDERSON, Donald G., The philosophical methods ofWittgenstein's <<Philosophical Investigations>>.Tallahassee: Florida State University, 1969.

90. SCHACHTER, Jean-Pierre Adalbert, The core ofWittgenstein's <<Investigations>>. A philosophy oflanguage. Syracuse: University of Syracuse, 1969, 182 p.

91. SCHOLZ, Freimut, Untersuchungen zum Problem derEmpfindungsworter bei Wittgenstein. Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 1969,VIII, 112 p.

92. SMUCKER, Jan Arden, A Study of the Problem of determiningontological Commitments in Wittgenstein's<<Tractatus>>. East Lansing: Michigan State University,1969, 278 p.

93. STRATTON, John Reginald, Analysis and individuals: anexamination of the notions of a picture, objects, and sense inWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>.Toronto: University ofToronto, 1969.

94. SULLIVAN, Thomas D.,The problem of universals in the laterLudwig Wittgenstein. Collegeville: St. John's University, 1969, 244p.

95. WALLACE, Kyle Lee, Wittgenstein's Theory of Meaning. CoralGables: University of Miami, 1969, 234 p.


96. ANCHISI, R., La fondazione del misticismo nel<<Tractatus>> di Wittgenstein. Milano: Universita Cattolicadel Sacro Cuore, 1970.

97. BRUZINA, Ronald, Wittgenstein, Heidegger et la pensee dulangage. Procedes et principes paradoxaux de la reflexion sur le langagechez Wittgenstein et chez Heidegger.Paris : Universite de Paris, 1970.

98. CARLSON, John William, Wittgenstein on language andphilosophical understanding : a study of continuities in histhought.Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame, 1970, 285 p.

99. DE PENCIER, Marni, Ludwig Wittgenstein on concept formation.Toronto: University of Toronto, 1970.

100. ERDE, Edmund Lyman, Philosophy and Science. Wittgenstein andChomsky: An Examination of the current theories of innate ideas.Austin:University of Texas at Austin, 1970, 218 p.

101. FAY, Thomas Aquinas, Heidegger on Logic. An Encounter of histhought with Wittgenstein. Bronx: Fordham University, 1970, 350 p.

102. GENOVA, Judith, An Approach to Wittgenstein'sMetaphysics.Waltham: Brandeis University, 1970, 187 p.

103. GIBBENS, Helen Paxton, Berkeley and Wittgenstein: somecorrelations. Norman: University of Oklahoma, 1970, 169 p.

104. HARWARD, Donald West, The distinction between saying andshowing in Wittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Baltimore:University of Maryland, 1970, 185 p.

105. HERRIMAN, Michael Lawrence, An analysis of the notions of<<rules>> and <<logic>> in LudwigWittgenstein's <<Philosophical Investigations>> andsome implications for the philosophy of education. Burnaby: Simon FraserUniversity, 1970.

106. HILL, C.M.,An examination of the main themes ofWittgenstein's <<Philosophical Investigations>>.Bangor:University of Wales, 1970.

107. JANIK, Allan, Uncle Ludwig's book on ethics:Wittgenstein's <<Tractatus>> reconsidered. Waltham:Brandeis University, 1970, 224 p.

108. MINAHAN, John Patrick, Metaphysics and the<<Tractatus>>. A re-examination of the picture theory.Washington: Georgetown University, 1970, 154 p.

109. MUNOZ VEIGA, Jacobo, El primer Wittgenstein. Exposicion einterpretacion del <<Tractatus>>. Barcelona: Universidad deBarcelona, 1970, V, 118 p.

110. PLAMANDON, Jacques A., La conception du langage chezWittgenstein. Aix-en- Provence-- Marseille : Universite de Provence,1970.

111. RANALLI, Robert Frank Philip, Wittgenstein and <<religious >> language. Hamilton: Mc Master University, 1970.

112. REIGEL, Thomas J., Strawson and Wittgenstein: thenon-ownership argument. Montreal: Mc Gill University, 1970.

113. RICHARDS, William M., The Key to the interpretation of the<<Tractatus logico- philosophicus>>: elementarypropositions.Washington: Georgetown University, 1970.

114. SCHARFETTER, Luitgard, Bemerkungen uber das<<Unaussprechliche>> in der Philosophie LudwigWittgensteins. Salzburg: Universitat Salzburg, 1970, 126 p.

115. SCHMUCKER, Larry Alan, Wittgenstein's remarks on basicviews. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1970, 263 p.

116. SCOTT, S. H., Wittgenstein's objections to ontologicalanalysis. Bloomington: Indiana University of Bloomington, 1970.

117. SEFLER, George Francis, The structure of language and itsrelation to the world: a methodological study of the writings of MartinHeidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Washington: Georgetown University,1970, 312 p.


118. BENSCH, Rudolf, Der Status der apriorischen und insbesondereder mathematischen Satze im Spatwerk Ludwig Wittgensteins.Bonn:Universitat Bonn, 1971, 164 p.

119. COOKE, Vincent Michael, Wittgenstein's Use of the privateLanguage Discussion.Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1971, 117 p.

120. DERWORT, Michael, Die Bildtheorie der Sprache in Wittgensteins<<Tractatus logico- philosophicus>>. Freiburg i. Br.:Universitat Freiburg, 1971, 240 p.

121. FELDERHOF, Marius Constantyn, Our games with<<God>>: the Wittgensteinian approachto problems in thephilosophy of religion.Halifax: Dalhousie University, 1971.

122. FULMER, Gilbert Everett, Wittgenstein, relativism, and reason.Houston: Rice University, 1971, 198 p.

123. GETTNER, Alan Frederick, Analytic truth in the philosophy ofQuine and the later Wittgenstein. New York: Columbia University, 1971,244 p.

124. JONES, Allan Albert, Wittgensteinian Fideism. Christchurch(New Zealand): University of Canterbury, 1971.

125. LANG, Martin, Wittgensteins philosophische Grammatik:Entstehung und Perpektiven der Strategie eines radikalenAufklarers.Koln: Universitat Koln, 1971, II, 235 p.

126. LISKE, Colin Malcolm, The will in Wittgenstein. Montreal: McGill University, 1971.

127. MC BRIDE, Frank Abbott, The later Wittgenstein'sConception of Teaching. East Lansing: Michigan State University, 1971,95 p.

128. MALLA, Netrananda, The unity of Wittgenstein's Thought. Astudy of the links between the earlier and the laterWittgenstein.Kanpur: Indian Institute of Technology, 1971.

129. MALMGREN, Helge, Intentionality and knowledge. Studies in thephilosophy of G.E. Moore and Ludwig Wittgenstein.Goteborg: GoteborgsUniversitet, 1971.

130. MENDES GIL, Fernando, La logique du nom. Articulation dulogique et de l'ideologie dans la theorie de la denomination atravers Frege, Russell, Wittgenstein, Carnap, Quine. Paris : Universitede Paris, 1971.

131. MORENO, Arley, O problema da significacao em Wittgenstein :Uma introducao ao estudo do << Tractatus >>.Sao Paulo :Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1971.

132. PAYER, Peter, Sprachtheorie und Ontologie. Eine semiotischeUntersuchung, unter besonderer Berucksichtigung von Ludwig Wittgensteins<<Tractatus logico-philosophicus>>.Graz: Universitat Graz,1971, VI, 248 p.

133. ROSSVAER, Viggo, Kant og Wittgenstein. Methoden los Kant ogden senere Wittgenstein i lys av forholdet mellom trascendental logikkog (logistik) grammatikk.Oslo: Oslo Universitet, 1971.

134. TEMBLAY, Richard, Sens et non-sens chez Wittgenstein. Montreal: Universite de Montreal, 1971.

135. VELDE, Eric van der, On eindigheid bij Wittgenstein: Enkelehoofdlijnen van << Tractatus >> tot << PhilosophischeUntersuchungen >>.Leiden: Rijksuniversiteit, 1971, 130 p.

136. WEBB, Thomas Remson, Logic and the World inWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Halifax: DalhousieUniversity, 1971.

137. YOOS, George E.,An analysis of three studies on pictorialrepresentation: M.C. Beardsley, E.E. Gombrich, and L.Wittgenstein.Columbia: University of Missouri, 1971, 231 p.

138. YOUNGER, J.A., Wittgenstein, Braithwaite, and religiouslanguage. Bristol: University of Bristol, 1971.


139. ALLMAKER, Ali Martin, <<Wholeness>> in thephilosophy of the later Wittgenstein and its applicability to thephilosophy of the education.Albany (N.Y.): State University of New Yorkat Albany, 1972, 223 p.

140. ANDERSON, Leland Tyson, jr., Wittgenstein and the logicalpossibility of immortality. Philadelphia: Temple University, 1972, 230p.

141. BASSEN, Paul C.,The Private Language Argument and the Argumentof <<Philosophical Investigations>>, Section 258.Berkeley:University of California at Berkeley, 1972.

142. BILDHAUER, William Mathias, The Reality of God. AnInvestigation of the Adequacy of Wittgensteinian Fideism.Tucson:University of Arizona, 1972, 187 p.

143. CODE, Lorraine B., Three philosophies of language:Wittgenstein, Merleau-Ponty, Heidegger. Guelph: University of Guelph,1972.

144. COLLOPY, Bartholomew J., Wittgenstein and Religious Discourse:Some Possibilities for Theological Investigation. New Haven: YaleUniversity, 1972, 265 p.

145. DIETRICH, Rolf-Albert, Untersuchungen uber den Begriff<<Mystischen>> in Wittgensteins <<Tractatus>>.Gottingen: Universitat Gottingen, 1972, III, 255 p.

146. DUNLAP, Lowell Alverson, Sense, nonsense, and senselessness:An essay in the continuity of the thought of LudwigWittgenstein.Milwaukee: Marquette University, 1972, 210 p.

147. EDGAR, William, Wittgenstein and necessary truth. Syracuse:University of Syracuse, 1972.

148. EDWARDS, James, Persuasion and discovery: a study ofWittgenstein's philosophy. Chapel Hill: University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill, 1972, 188 p.

149. FRIEDMAN, J. W., Atomic versus elementary: a central issue inWittgenstein's Ontology. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1972.

150. GILLESPIE, M.T., Das Mystische in Wittgenstein's<<Tractatus>>. Dublin: National University of Ireland, 1972.

151. GOLDBLATT, David Alan, Wittgenstein, rules and logicalnecessity. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1972, 175 p.

152. KLENK, Virginia H., Wittgenstein's philosophy ofmathematics. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1972, 218 p.

153. KNOWLES, M.C., An examination of Wittgenstein's<<Lectures on Religious Belief>>. Exeter: University ofExeter, 1972..

154. LE MOINE, Roy Emanuel, The anagogic Theology ofWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Tallahassee: FloridaState University, 1972, 327 p.

155. MARTIN, Dean Monroe, Christian consciousness: its emergencewith the mastery of concepts within the Christian community, Withspecial reference to Ludwig Wittgenstein.Waco: Baylor University, 1972,242 p.

156. ROLSTON, Howard Lee, Wittgenstein's concept of familyresemblance. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1972.

157. SAVITT, Steven Frederick, Frege and Wittgenstein on identity,logic, and number. Waltham: Brandeis University, 1972, 172 p.

158. STITH, Robert Charles, A phenomenological interpretation ofWittgenstein. Pittsburgh: Duquesne University, 1972, 225 p.

159. STUDHALTER, Kurt, Ethik, Religion und Lebensform bei LudwigWittgenstein. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1972, 125 p.

160. TSSAIKAS, Theodoros, Die Bedeutung des Begriffes Philosophiebei Martin Heidegger, Theodor W. Adorno und Ludwig Wittgenstein Versucheiner Interpretation. Wien: Universitat Wien, 1972, 146 p.


161. AMERIKS, Karlis Peter, Cartesianism and Wittgenstein: thelegacy of subjectivism in contemporary philosophy of mind.New Haven:Yale University, 1972, 264 p.

162. ANTHONY, Clifford Hugh, Language as mirror of the world inWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. London (Ontario):University of Western Ontario, 1972.

163. BENARAB, Gertrud, Die operativ-pragmatische Basis derSprachphilosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins. Eine Studie zur Kontinuitat derSprachphilosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins.Hamburg: Universitat Hamburg,1973, XXIII, 286 p.

164. BOER, Steven Ernest, Language Games. An Interpretation andCritique of the later Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language. AnnArbor: University of Michigan, 1973, 360 p.

165. CAMPBELL, William Edward, Wittgenstein's picture theoryof meaning. St. Louis: Washington University, 1973, 160 p.

166. FAHRNKOPF, Robert Leroy, Wittgenstein on universals.Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 1973.

167. FITZGERALD, Gisela, The language of private sensations.Russell in light of Wittgenstein's private language remarks.WestLafayette: Purdue University, 1973, 253 p.

168. GUY, Alfred Hugh, The Ethics of the <<Tractatus>>.Athens: University of Georgia, 1973, 276 p.

169. HOLIDAY, Bernard John, The treatment of the problem of privacyin Wittgenstein's later writings. Rondebosch (Cape Town):University of Cape Town, 1973.

170. KREILKAMP-CUDMORE. Ann, Language as Wittgenstein's way oflife. Boston: Boston University Graduate School, 1973, 211 p.

171. MANZANAN, Guillermina, The <<language game>> ofconfessing one's belief. A Wittgensteinian-Austian approach to thelinguistic analysis of creedal statements. Roma: Pontificia UniversitasGregoriana, 1973.

172. MASON, R. V., The methods of analytical philosophy in Mooreand Wittgenstein.A critical study. Bristol: University of Bristol, 1973.

173. MUNOZ VEIGA, Jacobo, Ludwig Wittgenstein y la filosofiaanalitica del lenguaje ideal. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 1973.

174. NECHVATAL, Paul, Das Problem der Metaphysik bei Heidegger undWittgenstein. Wien: Universitat Wien, 1973, 144 p.

175. STAWINSKI, Arthur Walter, Ludwig Wittgenstein and theperceptual foundations of knowledgeEvanston: Northwstern University,1973, 137 p.

176. STRICKLER, Nina, The problem of the absolute: a study inSpinoza, Hegel and Wittgenstein. Chicago: De Paul University, 1973, 249p.

177. THIBODEAU, Eugene Francis, An interpretation ofWittgenstein's later (1929-1951) philosophy of mathematics. NewYork: New York University, 1973, 283 p.

178. TOMINAGA, Thomas Toyoshi, A Wittgensteinian inquiry into theconfusions generated by the question <<What is the meaning of aword>>?Washington: Georgetown University, 1973, 275 p. 1974

179. BELLO REGUERA, Gabriel, Verdad objetiva y verdad social. Haciaun enfoque de la actividad racional. La Laguna (Tenerife). Universidadde La Laguna, 1974, 991 p.

180. BIRNBACHER, Dieter, Die Logik der Kriterien. Analysen zurSpatphilosophie Wittgensteins. Hamburg: Universitat Hamburg, 1974, 155p.

181. BLACKWELL, Kenneth Milton, Wittgenstein's Impact onRussells's Theory of Belief. Hamilton (Ontario): Mc MasterUniversity, 1974.

182. BOLTON, D.E., A study towards an understanding of thephilosophy of Wittgenstein. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1974.

183. BOOM, H. von d., Transzendentalitat und Analyzitat. Studienzur Kritik der reinen Sprachenim Umkreis einer logisch-philosophischenPropadeutik.Koln: Universitat Koln, 1974, 343 p.

184. DELVAUX, Marie-Claire, Le probleme de l'etre et dulangage chez Wittgenstein et Heidegger. Montreal : Universite deMontreal, 1974.

185. DERKSEN, Louise D., Wittgenstein on realism, idealism, andsolipsim. Guelph : University of Guelph, 1974.

186. FOISY, Suzanne, Sens, absolu et logique chez Wittgenstein.Montreal : Universite de Montreal, 1974.

187. FOLGER, Joseph, Language games and communicative development.An assessment of Wittgenstein's language game concept based on ananalysis of children's games. Madison: University of Wisconsin,1974.

188. HARGROVE, Eugene Carroll, Wittgenstein and ethics. Columbia:University of Missouri, 1974, 262 p.

189. HEINRICH, Richard, Zum Kantianismus des fruhen Wittgensteins.Wien: Universitat Wien, 1974, 105 p.

190. HENDERSON, Connie Anne, Wittgenstein, Kant, and transcendentalphilosophy. Montreal: Concordia University, 1974.

191. HREHA, Steven Robert James, Wittgenstein's privatelanguage argument. A re- interpretation. Ottawa: Carleton University,1974.

192. KEIGHTLEY, A., The grammar of God. Wittgenstein and newdevelopment in the philosophy of religion. Birmingham: University ofBirmingham, 1974/1975.

193. KELLY, Robert John, The consistency of Wittgenstein'sconception of the nature of philosophy. Montreal: Concordia University,1974.

194. KRISTIANSEN, Magne Warren, Relationships between the laterwritings of LudwigWittgenstein and theirs readers.New Haven: YaleUniversity, 1974, 295 p.

195. LANG, Irene, Sprachanalytik und Soziologie. Betrachtungen zumstrukturellen Funktionalismus am Leitfaden Wittgensteins. Koln:Universitat Koln, 1974, 131 p.

196. LANTEIGNE, Josette, Logique et jeux de langage chezWittgenstein. Montreal : Universite de Montreal, 1974.

197. LEE, Myung-Hyun, The later Wittgenstein's reflection onmeaning, language and forms of life. Providence: Brown University, 1974,131 p.

198. MACAN, Ivan, Bedeutungstheorie in der Philosophie LudwigWittgensteins.Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck,

1974, 158 p.

199. MC GUIRE, Richard Randolph, Wittgenstein's critique ofthe given. Buffalo: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1974.

200. MARTIRE, Joseph Edmund, The logic of depiction and the logicof description. An analysis of the <<picture theory>> of the<<Tractatus>> and its critique in the <<PhilosophicalInvestigations>>. Washington: Georgetown University, 1974, 221 p.

201. PREMO, Blanche Lillie Kolar, Wittgenstein's notion ofdescription: from logic to grammar. Milwaukee: Marquette University,1974, 224 p.

202. SADABA GARAY, Francisco Javier, El concepto de Filosofia en L.Wittgenstein y su aplicacion al lenguaje religioso.Madrid: UniversidadAutonoma de Madrid, 1974, 136 p.

203. SCARPATI, Antonia, Reiectio systematis in philosophiaWittgenstein secundi. Roma: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1974.

204. SCHEFFCZYK, Adelhard Klaus, Formalitat und innerer Sinn.Untersuchungen uber das Verhaltnis von Satzform und Handlung bei Kant,Hegel, Peirce und Wittgenstein. Koln: Universitat Koln, 1974, VIII, 306p.

205. SIMARD, Gaetan, Essai de comparaison entre l'oeuvre deLudwig Wittgenstein et le Zen. Montreal : Universite de Montreal, 1974.

206. SINCLAIR, Michael Benjamin Warren, Language-games in the laterphilosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein. Wellington: Victoria University,1974.

207. VOGELSANG, Ilona, Ludwig Wittgensteins Sprachspiel und dieTheorie der kommunikativen Kompetenzen von Jurgen Habermas in einemstrukturalen Vergleich. Wien: Universitat Wien, 1974, II, 160 p.

208. WIGGERSHAUS, Rolf, Zum Begriff der Regel in der Philosophieder Umgangssprache: uber Wittgenstein, Austin und Searle.Frankfurt a.M.:Universitat Frakfurt am Main, 1974, 100 p.

209. WOLTERS, Richard Mark, Wittgenstein's ontology in hisearly work. Amherst: University of Massachusetts, 1974, 393 p.

210. YOUNG, Iris Marion, From anonymity to speech: a reading ofWittgenstein's later writing. University Park: Pennsylvania StateUniversity, 1974, 441 p.


211. BARBOSA FILHO, Balthazar, La notion de signification dans les<<Investigations Philosophiques>> de Wittgenstein. Louvain :Universite Catholique de Louvain, 1975.

212. BLACK, John Adrian, Wittgenstein and Empiricism about otherMinds.Burnaby: Simon Fraser University, 1975.

213. BOUVERESSE, Jacques, Le mythe de l'interiorite :experience, signification et langage prive chez Wittgenstein. Paris :Universite de Paris, 1975.

214. COHEN, Trevor E., Criteria and the problem of other minds inWittgenstein's later philosophy. Sydney: University of New SouthWales, 1975.

215. COOK, Alan F.,The Linguistic Analogy and the Study of SocialAction: An Examination of Some Implications of Linguistic Philosophy andGenerative Grammar. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1975.

216. D'HERT, Ignace, Wittgenstein's relevance forTheology.Fribourg (Suisse): Universite de Fribourg, 1975.

217. ELLOS, Gulielmus, Cognitio et voluntas in Philosophia LudoviciWittgenstein. Roma : Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1975.

218. FRANKEL, Brigitte, Wittgenstein uber die Gewissheit bezuglichdes Fremdseelischen. Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 1975, 103 p.

219. HOAGLAND, Sarah Lucia, The status of common sense, G. E. Mooreand L. Wittgenstein: a comparative study. Cincinnati: University ofCincinnati, 1975, 211 p.

220. HOWARD, Michael Stuart, Objects and social context in somelanguage-games: a study in Wittgenstein's later philosophy.Ithaca(N.Y.): Cornell University, 1975, 271 p.

221. HYDE, William H., Wittgenstein and criteria. Santa Barbara:University of California at Santa Barbara, 1975.

222. JOHNSTONE, Albert Arnold Does the world exist?--orWittgenstein's unsuccessful refutation of Cartesiansolipsism.Waterloo (Ontario): University of Waterloo, 1975.

223. LADRIERE, Jean, Sur la notion de signification dans les<<Investigations Philosophiques>> de Wittgenstein. Louvain :Universite Catholique de Louvain, 1975.

224. LAURA, R. S.,The relevance of Wittgenstein's treatment ofmeaning and truth to the resolution of some problems concerning thecognitive status of religious language.Oxford: University of Oxford,1975.

225. MC CAULEY, Leland Meson II, The grammar of social andscientific discourse andits educational value: a study in Chomsky andWittgenstein.Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1975, 215 p.

226. MC DONOUGH, Richard Michael, Wittgenstein and the law of theexcluded middle. Ithaca (N.Y.): Cornell University, 1975, 219 p.

227. MILLER, Richard William, Solipsism and language in thewritings of Wittgenstein. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1975.

228. MOLLMANN, Margarete, Sprache, Regel und Spiel. Die Stellungdes Regelbegriffs in der Spatphilosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins.Frankfurta.M.: Universitat Frankfurt am Main, 1975, 172 p.

229. MORENO, Arley, Recherches sur le <<Tractatus>> deWittgenstein.Aix-en- Provence: Universite de Provence, 1975.

230. OFFENBACH, Elizabeth Gayle, Wittgenstein's Conception ofmeaning. Montreal: Mc Gill University, 1975.

231. PARK, Young Sik, Wittgenstein's version of verifiabilityin the <<Tractatus>>. Atlanta: Emory University, 1975, 176p.

232. PENICK, John Jacob, Wittgenstein on sensory pyrrhonism. ChapelHill: University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1975, 218 p.

233. POLAMARASETTY, Pushpanadham, The <<language game>>of praising in prayers. A Wittgensteinian-Austinian approach to thelinguistic analysis of prayers of praise.Roma: Pontificia UniversitasGregoriana, 1975, 232p.

234. REGUERA PEREZ, Isidoro, La miseria de la razon. El primerWittgenstein. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1975, 190 p.

235. ROBINSON, John Hayes, Seeing the world aright: a study ofLudwig Wittgenstein's pretractarian notebooks. Notre Dame:University of Notre Dame, 1975, 323 p.

236. SIEGEL, Tema Leah, Wittgenstein on sensation.Chicago:University of Chicago, 1975.

237. SPANIOL, Werner, Ein Kampf gegen die <<Verhexung desVerstandes>>: Philosophie und Methode bei Wittgenstein. Roma:Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1975.

238. STALL, Rosanna, Wittgenstein's willing subject. Montreal:Concordia University, 1975.

239. VERHACK, Ignace, De <<Tractatus>> van LudwigWittgenstein. Een filosofie die het onzegbare aanwijst door de grenzenvan het zegbare scherp te stellen.Leuven: Katholieke UniversiteitLeuven, 1975.

240. ZIMMERMANN, Jorg, Wittgensteins sprachphilosophischeHermeneutik. Tubingen: Universitat Tubingen, 1975, VIII, 318 p.


241. ADLER, Leo, Ludwig Wittgenstein. Eine existentielleDeutung.Basel: Universitat Basel, 1976, X, 110 p.

242. BALLIU, Julien, De filosofische problematiek van Wittgensteinsprivaattaal-argument. Brussel: Vrije Universiteit, 1976.

243. BELL, David Arnold, Wittgenstein's notion of form of lifein the <<Philosophical Investigations>>. Chapel Hill:University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1976, 162 p.

244. BRAMBLE, Peter W. D., The Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgensteinand Gilbert Ryle. A Model for Solving Perplexities about EducationalConcepts.Storrs (Connecticut): University of Connecticut 1976, 246 p.

245. ETCHEMENDY, John William, The theory of propositions inWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Reno: University ofNevada, 1976, 196 p.

246. HIGGINSON, Peter, Jasper Johns and the influence of LudwigWittgenstein. Vancouver: University of British Columbia, 1976.

247. HILMY, Sameer Stephen, Irrationality in the philosophies ofHeidegger and Wittgenstein. A comparative study. Washington: AmericanUniversity, 1976.

248. HURST, Elaine Lancia, Wittgenstein's concept of<<person>>: a developmental and criticalstudy. Bronx:Fordham University, 1976, 209 p.

249. MARCUSCHI, Luiz Antonio, Die Methode des Beispiels.Untersuchungen uber die methodische Funktion des Beispiels in derPhilosophie, insbesondere bei Ludwig Wittgenstein. Erlangen: UniversitatErlangen-Nurnberg, 1976, XVI, 236 p.

250. MARTIN, C.J., Incommensurability, meaning and translation inWittgenstein's theories of language. Brighton (Sussex): Universityof Sussex, 1976.

251. MOLLANEDA, Remigio P.,Concrete approach and therapeuticactivity: G. Marcel and L. Wittgenstein on doing philosophy.Roma:Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1976, 446p.

252. POLK, John Thomas, Wittgenstein's views on philosophicalskepticism and certainty. Bronx: Fordham University, 1976, 325 p.

253. QUINN, Wylie Savanas III, Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein: the<<religious>> as a <<form of life>>. Durham:Duke University, 1976, 222 p.

254. SARGEAUNT, G., The development of Wittgenstein's thoughton the foundation of language. Brighton (Sussex): University of Sussex,1976.

255. STRIPLING, Scott Randall, The picture theory of meaning: aninterpretation of Wittgenstein's <<Tractatuslogico-philosophicus>>.University Park: Pennsylvania StateUniversity, 1976, 183 p.

256. TAYLOR, Kent Hewitt, Wittgenstein and Melville: a study in thecharacterof meaning. Santa Cruz: University of California at Santa Cruz,1976, 221 p.

257. TEMKIN, Jack, Wittgenstein on the privacy of sensation.Madison: University of Wisconsin, 1976, 238 p.

258. TERRICABRAS I NOGUERA, Josep-Maria, Das Werk LudwigWittgensteins und seine Relevanz fur eine Analyse der religiosenSprache.Munster i. Westf.: Universitat Munster, 1976, 744 p.

259. TSAI, Denis H., Lao-Tzu, Ch-An Buddhism and the<<Tractatus>>. St. Louis (Washington): WashingtonUniversity, 1976.

260. VAUGH, Scott Raymond, Pedagogical experience and theory inDewey and Wittgenstein. East Lansing: Michigan State University, 1976,161 p.

261. VOHRA, Ashok Kumar, A study of mind, with special reference toWittgenstein and Ryle. Delhi: University of Delhi, 1976.

262. WEINBREN, Grahame Robin, Mysticism, solipsism, judgement: Theconception of the mind in the <<Tractatus>> and some relatedproblems.Buffalo: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1976, 236 p.

263. WHELAN, John Matthew, Private Language re-examined. Austin:University of Texas at Austin, 1976.

264. WOMACK, James Anthony, Quine and Wittgenstein on reference.New York: New York University, 1976, 259 p.

265. ZEIS, John F., Wittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>and the problem of religious language. Niagara: University of Niagara1976.


266. BACHMAIER, Peter, Wittgenstein und Kant. Versuch zum Begriffdes Transzendentalen. Frankfurt a.M.: Universitat Frankfurt am Main,1977, 213 p.

267. BITAR, Byron Ivan, Wittgenstein's Conception ofPhilosophy and the Problem of Private Language. Charlottesville:University of Virginia, 1977, 245 p.

268. BREWER, C.G. W., Some aspects of Wittgenstein's laterphilosophy. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1977.

269. CHURCHILL, John Hugh, Wittgenstein and philosophy of religion.New Haven: Yale University, 1977, 342 p.

270. COHEN, Avner, Sociologism as a theory of knowledge. A study ofDurkheim, Wittgenstein, and Kuhn. Downsview (Ontario): York University,1977.

271. CRAFT, Jimmy Lee, Some remarks on Socrates and Wittgenstein.Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1977, 195 p.

272. CVITKOVIC, Miodrag, The Foundation of Wittgenstein'sThought. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1977.

273. EASTON, S.M., The problem of knowledge from Marx toWittgenstein. A study in idealism. Southampton: University ofSouthampton, 1977.

274. GALLIKER, Mark, Mussen wir uns auf das Sprachen vorbereiten?Ein genetisch-praktischen Ansatz der Psycholinguistik auf der Grundlagevon Wittgenstein.Bern: Universitat Bern, 1977.

275. GOLDENBERG, Daniel S., A comparative analysis ofWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>> and Samkara's<<Advaita Vedanta>>With an Introduction to the logic ofcomparative methodology. Honolulu: University of Hawaii, 1977, 248 p.

276. GRENNAN, J. W., Wittgenstein Fideism: conceptual relativism inphilosophy of religion. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1977, 293 p.

277. GROARKE, Leo Alfred, Zeno's paradoxes, the infinite, andWittgenstein. Calgary: University of Calgary, 1977.

278. GRUBER, Walter Georg, Sprachspiele und Grammatik. EineWittgensteinsche Annaherung an eine dadaistischeWissenschaftsphilosophie. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1977, 120 p.

279. GUDMUNSEN, C., Wittgenstein and Buddishm.Birmingham:University of Birmingham, 1977.

280. HELME, K.M., Strands in the theory of meaning from Frege toWittgenstein. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1977, 231 p.

281. KAPOOR, Usha Rani, Wittgenstein's theory of meaning.Allahabad (India): University of Allahabad 1977.

282. LAWHEAD, William Fisher, Wittgenstein and Merleau-Ponty onLanguage and critical Reflection. Austin: University of Texas at Austin,1977, 366 p.

283. MC KNIGHT, T. J., A Critique of Wittgensteinian Philosophy ofReligion. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1977.

284. NUTALL, J., Wittgenstein and the Will. Oxford: University ofOxford, 1977.

285. PRADHAM, Ramesh Chandra, Language and experience. Aninterpretation of the later philosophy of Wittgenstein. Varanasi(Benares): Benares Hindu University, 1977.

286. RAPHAEL, Leyla, Wittgenstein et Hertz: pour une lectureantipositiviste de Wittgenstein. Montreal: Mc Gill University, 1977.

287. REEDER, Harry Paul, Public and private aspects of language inHusserl and Wittgenstein. Waterloo: University of Waterloo, 1977.

288. STEINMAN, Diane Cooperman, The role of the notion of grammarin Wittgenstein's later work. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,1977, 232 p.

289. THISELTON, A.C.,New Testament hermeneutics and philosophicaldescription. Issues in New Testament hermeneutics with special referenceto the use of philosophical description in Heidegger, Bultmann, Gadamerand Wittgenstein.Sheffield: University of Sheffield, 1977.

290. TOMLINSON, H.R.E., Theory and action: the later philosophy ofWittgenstein.Brighton (Sussex): University of Sussex, 1977.

291. VERHAREN, Charles Coulter, The demarcation of philosophy fromscience and art in the methodology of Wittgenstein.Washington:Georgetown University, 1977, 210 p.

292. WEIDENHAMMER, Brigitte, Sprachgebrauch und Lebensform.Untersuchungen zum Konzept der Beschreibung und dessen Perspektive derBegriffen der Regelund der Lebensform in Wittgensteins Spatphilosophie.Aachen: Technische Hochschule, 1977, 190 p.

293. WORTHINGTON, B. A., Ethics and solipsism inWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Belfast: Queen'sUniversity, 1977.


294. ARD, David John, Language, reality and religion in thephilosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein.Hamilton: Mc Master University, 1978.

295. BINDEMAN, Steven Lee, The role of silence in the philosophy ofMartin Heidegger and Ludwig Wittgenstein. Pittsburgh: DuquesneUniversity, 1978, 223 p.

296. BROOKS, Keven, Hume and Wittgenstein as epistemologicalnaturalists. San Francisco: San Francisco State University, 1978.

297. CAMPBELL, R.J., An examination of the problem of cultural andconceptual relativism with regard to Wittgenstein's laterdiscussions of language.Manchester, University of Manchester, 1978.

298. CAVALIER, Robert John, Wittgenstein, ethics, and the will. Aninterpretation of the <<Tractatus>>. Pittsburgh: DuquesneUniversity, 1978, 258 p.

299. DERABANER, Richard, Application of Wittgenstein'sphilosophy to literary criticism. Arlington: University of Texas, 1978.

300. FROMM, Susanne, Kants transzendentale Deduktion im Lichte derWittgensteinischen Spatphilosophie.Kiel: Universitat Kiel, 1978, 256 p.

301. GROSS, Damon James, Wittgenstein's criticism of platonismin mathematics. Iowa City: University of Iowa, 1978, 201 p.

302. HANNAFORD, R., <<Forms of life>>. A criticalexamination of Wittgenstein's views with special reference toreligious belief.Exeter: University of Exeter, 1978.

303. HSIEH, Wen-An, Wittgenstein's <<OnCertainty>> and scepticism. Pullman: Washington State University,1978.

304. HULSER, Karlheinz, Wahrheitstheorie und Aussagentheorie.Untersuchungen zu Wittgensteins <<Tractatus>>. Konstanz:Universitat Konstanz, 1978, 244 p.

305. LEGG, David Maxwell, Between knowledge and certainty. Mooreand Wittgenstein. Christchurch (New Zealand): University of Canterbury,1978.

306. LORD, G.H., Wittgenstein and the justification of religiousbelief. Birmingham: University of Aston, 1978.

307. MAC HOUL, Alexander William, Telling how texts talk: fromreadings of Wittgenstein, Schutz, ethnomethodology and sociology ofliterature to the analysis of readings.Canberra: Australasian NationalUniversity, 1978.

308. MAC KENZIE, Michael, Showing and saying in the<<Philosophical Investigations>>. Montreal: ConcordiaUniversity, 1978.

309. MARTIN, Margaret Jenifer, The views of Whitehead andWittgenstein on propositionsin <<Process and Reality>> andthe <<Tractatus logico-philosophicus>>.Carbondale: SouthernIllinois University at Carbondale, 1978, 163 p.

310. MAURY, Andre, The concept of <<Sinn>> and<<Gegenstand>> in Wittgenstein's<<Tractatus>>. Helsinki: Helsingfors Universitet, 1978.

311. MAYERS, S.C., An examination of religious belief in the lightof Wittgenstein's philosophy. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1978.

312. RIDER, Peter Howard, <<On Certainty>>:Wittgenstein's ethics of knowledge and doubt. Auckland (NewZealand): University of Auckland, 1978.

313. ROBERTS, H. R., A study of the Wittgensteinian philosophy ofreligion. Madras (India): University of Madras, 1978.

314. ROCHESTER, Judith Ann, Philosophy as Therapy: an examinationof Wittgenstein's philosophical method. Toronto: University ofToronto, 1978.

315. SANCHEZ RAMON, Ramon, Wittgenstein en Contexto. Hacia unanueva lectura del <<Tractatus>>. Barcelona: Universidad deBarcelona, 1978, 119 p.

316. SCHENK, John Robert, An analysis of the concepts of curriculumthrough Wittgenstein's concept of language games. Pullman:Washington State University, 1978, 158 p.

317. SHERMAN, Gail Richardson, Images of power: theoreticalinvestigations after Wittgenstein of the <<multinationalcorporation>> as a political concept.Madison: University ofWisconsin, 1978, 447 p.

318. SZYMANSKI, Denise I., Moore's philosophy of common sense.An appreciation in light of Wittgenstein's critiqueSt. Louis:Washington University, 1978.

319. TRUELOVE, J. A., Wittgenstein's influence: the defence ofreligious belief. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1978.

320. WIDER, Kathleen Virginia, A Kantian-Wittgensteinian approachto the problem of other minds. Detroit: Wayne State University, 1978,314 p.


321. AIDUN, Debra Ann, Wittgenstein's Conception of Grammar.St. Louis: Washington University, 1979, 145 p.

322. ARABI, Oussama, Essai sur la philosophie de LudwigWittgenstein. Paris : Universite de Paris, 1979.

323. AUSTIN, J. W., Wittgenstein's criterial semantics. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1979.

324. BANTJES, Johanna Maria, Kripke's interpretation ofWittgenstein's theory of proper names. Washington: GeorgetownUniversity, 1979, 95 p.

325. DROESCHER, Hans-Michael, Grundlagenstudien zur Linguistik.Wissenschaftstheoretische Untersuchungen der sprach-philosophischenKonzeptionen Humboldts, Chomskys und Wittgensteins. Erlangen:Universitat Erlangen Nurnberg, 1979, 526 p.

326. GOFTON, L.R., Ordinary language philosophy and sociologicaltheory: Some issues in Wittgenstein's later work and theirimplications for sociological theorising. Durham: University of Durham,1979, 298 p.

327. HOYOS MELGUIZO, Juan G.,De relativismo conceptuali questio: Dealiquibus cassibus imaginariis studium in secondo Wittgenstein.Roma:Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1979.

328. HRACHOVERK, Herbert, Vier Versuche zur Uberwindung derTradition: Heidegger, Frege, Wittgenstein. Wien: Universitat Wien, 1979,475 p.

329. IGLESIAS-ROZAS, M.Teresa, Linguistic representation. A studyon Bertrand Russell and Ludwig Wittgenstein, 1912-1922.Oxford:University of Oxford, 1979.

330. KEUTNER, Thomas, Die empiristische Wissenschaftstheorie als<<philosophische Verwirrung>> im Sinne LudwigWittgensteins.Bonn: Universitat Bonn, 1979, 122 p.

331. KROME, Hans-Jurgen, Referenzsemantik und Pragmatik beiWittgenstein undSearle. Untersuchungen zu einer pragmatischen Theorie desingular bestimmten Referenz.Marburg: Universitat Marburg, 1979, 377 p.

332. LA FAVE, Sandra, The Conception of Instinct.Claremont:Claremont Graduate School, 1979, 366 p.

333. LEIDMAIR, Karl, Die hermeneutischen Grundlagen Wittgensteins.Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1978/1979, 174 p.

334. MACDONALD, Douglas Cameron, Student rights and educationalfreedom: a philosophical analysis of the language of court decisions andthe writings of Paul Goodman and John Holt viewed trough theperspectives of Wittgenstein and Jung.Philadelphia: Temple University,1979, 257 p.

335. MC HALE, Mary Elwyn, The notion of the mystical inWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Washington: The CatholicUniversity of America, 1979, 219 p.

336. NARASIMHA MURTHY, Tallapragada, Philosophies of Moore, Russelland Wittgenstein. Waltair (India): Andhra University, 1979.

337. PEDDLE, L., Our Knowledge of other Minds, with particularreference to Wittgenstein'>> PhilosophicalInvestigations>>. Cardiff: University of Wales, 1979.

338. SATISH, T., Role of the self in the philosophy ofWittgenstein.Madras (India): University of Madras, 1979.

339. STENHOUSE, David, The Wittgensteinian Revolution and<<linguistic>> philosophy: Some implications for educationand educational philosophy.Palmerston North (New Zealand): MasseyUniversity, 1979.

340. TRIANOSKY-STILLWELL, Shelley Liane, Necessity and probability:Wittgenstein's philosophy of necessity. West Lafayette: PurdueUniversity, 1979, 255 p.

341. ULE, Andrej, Osnovni filozofski problemi logike (FregemRussell, Wittgenstein). Ljubljana: Univerza v Ljubljani 1979.


342. AENISHANSLIN, Markus, Le <<Tractatus>> deWittgenstein et l'ethique de Spinoza. Etude de comparaisonstructurale. Aix-en-Provence / Marseille : Universite de Provence, 1980,420 p.

343. ANGIER, C., Kant, Schopenhauer, Wittgenstein. The refutationof idealism. Cambridge: University of Cambridge. 1980.

344. BANZI, Anthony, Magie als Lebensform. Sprachkritische undkulturphilosophische Untersuchung des Magiebegriffes im Anschluss anWinchs Interpretation von Wittgensteins Bemerkungen uber Frazers<<The Golden Bough>>. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck,1980, 177 p.

345. BILLING, Hans, Wittgensteins Sprachspielkonzeption.Heidelberg: Universitat Heidelberg, 1980, 139 p.

346. CARDOSO, Celio M., Wittgenstein: a filosofia da linguagem comoprimeira e paradigma. Minas Gerais; Universidade Federal de MinasGerais, 1980.

347. COLLETT, Jerry Ritter, Private language / public language: theplays of Peter Handke and the language philosophy of LudwigWittgenstein. Bloomington: Indiana University, 1980, 155 p.

348. DOESER, Marinus Cornelis, Tussen objektiviteit en praksis:over wetenschappenliske objektiviteit in een konfrontatie tussen Popperen Wittgenstein.Delf: Technische Hogeschool, 1980, VIII, 142 p.

349. FELDMAN, Susan Marsha, Concepts, rules and mental activity: Asynthesis of themes from Kant and Wittgenstein. Rochester: University ofRochester, 1980, 238 p.

350. GIMPL, Georg, Form als Dementi: Text-und Strukturanalyse des<<Tractatus logico- philosophicus>>. Salzburg: UniversitatSalzburg, 1980, 329 p.

351. GODFREY, Terry, On Wittgenstein's saying. Clayton(Australia): Monash University, 1980.

352. HUGHES, Steven Perry, Showing the meaning of life: the valueof Wittgenstein's philosophical methods. St. Louis: The WashingtonUniversity, 1980, 404 p.

353. ISHIKAWA, Yukinori, The critical philosophy ofWittgenstein.Carbondale: Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,1980, 164 p.

354. JOLLEY, G.M., Certainty: Russell, Moore, Malcolm, andWittgenstein.Exeter: University of Exeter, 1980.

355. LECOURT, Dominique, Le neopositivisme en question: Karl Popperet Ludwig Wittgenstein. Lyon : Universite de Lyon III, 1980.

356. MARGUTTI PINTO, Paulo R.,Aspectos logicos da implicacaoarticulada pelas frases condicionais. Minas Gerais : UniversidadeFederal de Minas Gerais, 1980.

357. MC KINNON, F. C., Wittgenstein's conception of the natureof philosophy. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1980.

358. MC PHERSON, I. N., Reason, religion, and revision.A discussionof some aspects of the metamorphosis of rationality, spirituality andeducation after Wittggenstein. Dundee: University of Dundee, 1980.

359. MICHEL, Norbert, Eine Grundlegung der Padagogik in derFruuhphilosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins. Duisbburg: GesamthochschuleDuisburg, 1980, 210 p.

360. MORGAN, J. D.,The limits of the understanding: Methods ofargument in Kant and Wittgenstein.London: Birkbeck College, 1980.

361. PAFFARD, M., A study of James Joyce's<<Exiles>>, making use of Wittgenstein's<<Philosophical Investigations>>. Keele:University of Keele,1980.

362. SAUNDERS, Loyd Wayne, Descriptive certainty in Husserl and thelater Wittgenstein. Madison: Drew University, 1980, 232 p.

363. SIN, King Kui, <<Ubersichtlichkeit>> in the laterphilosophy of Wittgenstein. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University atCarbondale, 1980, 292 p.

364. SOTO, Carlos H., Wittgenstein's phenomenology: 1929-1930.Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins University, 1980, 175 p.


365. CHRISTIAN, Rose Ann, Wittgenstein, Wittgensteinians and theepistemological status of religious belief. Philadelphia: University ofPennsylvania, 1981, 492p.

366. DROB, Sanford Lewis, Are mental acts and processes myths? Acritique of Wittgenstein and others. Boston: University of BostonGraduate School, 1981, 483 p.

367. ELDRIDGE, Richard Thomas, In pursuit of self-reconciliationand community: Wittgenstein and the criticism of realisttheories ofknowledge.Chicago: University of Chicago, 1981.

368. FUNK, Warren Howard, Religion, Belief, and the expression ofBelief: Toward a philosophical characterization of religious belief withspecial reference to Ludwig Wittgenstein. New York: Columbia University,1981, 249 p.

369. GIBBON, L., An examination of Wittgenstein's<<Lectures on religious belief>>. Exeter: University ofExeter, 1981.

370. HUTCHINSON, William Burns, Popper and rationality. AWittgensteinian critique. Windsor (Ontario): University of Windsor,1981.

371. KISRO-VOLKER, Sybille, Die unverantwortete Sprache:esoterische Literatur und atheoretische Philosophie als Grenzfallemedialer Selbstreflexion. Eine Konfrontation von James Joyces<<Finnegan's Wake>> und Ludwig Wittgensteins<<Philosophische Untersuchungen>>.Konstanz: UniversitatKonstanz, 1981, 361 p.

372. KOGGEL, Christine M., Paradigms: the later Wittgenstein'sview of meaning. Ottawa: Carleton University, 1981.

373. KUCHLING, Heinz, Ludwig Wittgenstein. Philosophie alsSprackritik. Ein Beitrag zur Auseinandersetzung mit der spatburgerlichenPhilosophie.Berlin (DDR): Humboldt-Universitat, 1981, 263 p.

374. LOPEZ DE SANTA MARIA, M. Pilar, El sujeto y la mente en lafilosofia de Wittgenstein. Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra, 1981.

375. RAPPAK, W.M., The notion of form in Wittgenstein's<<Tractatus>>. London: King's College, 1981, 210 p.

376. SANDNER, Johann, Sprachphilosophische Probleme der Referenzvon Eigennamen vom Standpunkt Ludwig Wittgensteins gesehen.Munchen:Technische Universitat, 1981, 176 p.

377. SHUN, K. L., Wittgensein on religion. Oxford: University ofOxford, 1981.

378. STEWART, Robert Sinclair, The private language arguments ofLudwig Wittgenstein. Hobart (Tas.): University of Tasmania, 1981.

379. THIELE, Susanne, Die Verwicklungen im Denken Wittgensteins.Heidelberg: Universitat Heidelberg, 1981, 342 p.

380. VICENTE ARREGUI, Jorge Nicolas, Accion y sentido en elpensamiento de Wittgenstein. Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra, 1981.

381. WATSON, Scott Boyd, Physical skill in sport: Knowing anddoing. An investigation based on selected ideas of Wittgenstein, Ryle,and Austin.Amherst (Mass.): University of Massachusetts, 1981.


382. BANSAL, Krishna, The problem of description in philosophy,with particular reference to Wittgenstein and Husserl.Delhi (India):University of Delhi, 1982.

383. BILCAR, Branko, Wittgenstein on the grammar of knowledgeclaims. Windsor (Ontario): University of Windsor, 1982.

384. CH'EN, Yin-Hung, Die ontologische Basis der Sprachtheoriein Wittgensteins <<Tractatus>>. Wien: Universitat Wien,1982, 288 p.

385. CONWAY, Gertrude Dolores, Where the spade turns: an analysisof Wittgenstein's concept of the form of life. Bronx: FordhamUniversity, 1982, 280 p.

386. DOEPKE, Frank Douglas, A critique of contemporary actiontheory. Claremont: Claremont Graduate School, 1982, 217 p.

387. DWYER, Philip, Sense and subjectivity: a study of Wittgensteinand Merleau-Ponty. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1982, 223 p.

388. DYER, Clive James, <<Zusammenhangen>> and logicalatomism in Wittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Grahamstown(South Africa): Rhodes University, 1982.

389. FROHMANN, Bernd Peter Ottokar, Wittgenstein on proper names.Toronto: University of Toronto, 1982.

390. GELLER, Jeffrey Lee, Diagnosing psychoanalysis:Wittgenstein's criticism on Freud's theory. Durham: DukeUniversity, 1982, 233 p.

391. HINTIKKA, Merrill Bristow, Wittgenteinian investigations:toward a unified interpretation of Ludwig Wittgenstein'sphilosophy. Stanford: Stanford University, 1982, 397 p.

392. HOLBROOK, J. K., Laban from a Wittgensteinian perspective.Manchester: University of Manchester, 1982.

393. LEILICH, Joachim, Die Autonomie der Sprache: ein GrundgedankeWittgensteins. Frankfurt a.M.: Universitat Frankfurt am Main, 1982, 179p.

394. MACY, Glenn B., The logic of color language inWittgenstein's philosophy. Fayetteville: University of Arkansas,1982.

395. MATHISON, G., Failure to reason or failure to understand:Wittgenstein, Piaget, and the foundations of numeracy.Dundee: Universityof Dundee, 1982.

396. MELKOM, Raymond Haig, Wittgenstein on the philosophy ofmathematics. London (Ontario): University of Western Ontario, 1982.

397. MITCHELL, Colette Therese, Wittgenstein as an art educator.Armidale (Australia.): University of New England, 1982.

398. O'CONNELL, J. G. T., Semantics and understanding. A studyof realist themes in Wittgenstein's philosophy of language.Dublin:Trinity College, 1982.

399. OXLEY, Paul J., Forms of life and the logical requirements oflanguage in the early and later Wittgenstein. Norman (Okla.): Universityof Oklahoma, 1982.

400. PETTY, Sam Stowe, jr., Edmund Husserl and Ludwig Wittgenstein:philosophy as descriptive investigation. West Lafayette: PurdueUniversity, 1982, 619 p.

401. ROOS, Nocolas Jacobus, Wittgenstein: analitiese filosofie engodsdienstigetaal. Stellenbosch (South Africa): University ofStellenboschn, 1982.

402. RUSSELL, William Benjamin, Wittgenstein's grammar.Toronto: University of Toronto, 1982.

403. SAINT-FLEUR, Joseph Parac, La methode de la verification et lerapport semantique des signes aux references. Essai d'epistemologiewittgensteinienne. Lille : Universite de Lille, 1982.

404. STOKES, Nobuko Urai, Wittgenstein : language, knowledge, andthe self. Long Beach: California State University, 1982, 80 p.

405. STOVE, S. S. Edmund Husserl and Ludwig Wittgenstein.Philosophyas descriptiver investigations. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan, 1982,608 p.

406. STRECKER, Manfred, <<Lebensform>> alssprachphilosophischer Begriff: Untersuchung zu einem Leitbegriff LudwigWittgensteins.Berlin: Technische Universitat, 1982, 391 p.

407. SVENSON, G., On doubting the reality of reality: Moore anWittgenstein on sceptical doubts. Stockholm: Stockholms Universitet,1982. 1983

408. ASHLEY, Wayne Th., Wittgenstein's Critique ofMoore's Epistemolgy. Windsor (Ontario): University of Windsor,1983.

409. BEANEY, M., Wittgenstein and ethics: rule-following andanti-non-cognotivism. Keele: University of Keele, 1983.

410. DOWNEY, John, Wittgenstein and the foundations of Theology.Milwaukee: Marquette University, 1983, 287 p.

411. FERNANDEZ GOMEZ, Pedro, Actos mentales: Disposiciones, estadosmateriales, capacidades. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 1983, 126p.

412. FIASCO, F., Some ethical considerations arising fromWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>. Cambridge: University ofCambridge, 1983.

413. GIBBON, L., Knowledge and its limits in Wittgenstein's<<On Certainty>>. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1983.

414. GOTTLIEB, Diane F., Wittgenstein's concept of a rule oflanguage in the <<Philosophical Investigations>>. Baltimore:The Johns Hopkins University, 1983, 307 p.

415. KUHL, Glenda Marie, Wittgenstein's ontological vision.Bundoora (Vic., Australia): La Trobe University, 1983.

416. LABERGE, Jean, La notion de grammaire chez Wittgenstein.Montreal : Universite de Montreal, 1983.

417. MONK, Ray, The perceptual aspects of Wittgenstein'sphilosophy of mathematics. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1983.

418. SCHLAPSCHI, Hubert, Sprachspielbegriff und Gebrauchskonzeptionder Bedeutung. Versuch einer Erlauterung der Semantik LudwigWittgensteins.Graz: Universitat Graz, 1983, 117 p.

419. SCREEN, Donald Paul, Realism and grammar. Charlottesville:University of Virginia, 1983, 194p.

420. SMEYERS, Paulus J.B.M., <<A picture held uscaptive>>. De analytische <<philosophy of education>>tussen Ryle en Wittgenstein: hersituering en onderzoeck van haarrelevantie vooreen wijsgerige pedagogiek. Leuven: KatholiekeUniversiteit, 1983.

421. STASHWICK, Tad Sergei, Wittgenstein and Theology:<<Philosophical Investigations, II, XI and the problem of evil.New Haven: Yale University, 1983, 212 p.


422. BELLAIMEY, James Edward, Family resemblances and the problemof the underdetermination of extension. Madison: University ofWisconsin, 1984, 105 p.

423. CASTLE, Ellen E., Wittgenstein and practical criticisms:Readings in Dante, Shakespeare, Austen, and Dickens (England, Italy).Chestnut Hill: Boston College, 1984, 188 p.

424. CRUNKLETON, Martha Ann, Wittgenstein and philosophy ofreligion. Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 1984, 352 p.

425. CURRY, Michael Graham, After nuclear war: possible worlds andthe cult of expertise. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1984, 287p.

426. DORA, Mohamed Kamal M., Wittgenstein's conception ofphilosophy and its implications for the teaching of philosophy insecondary schools. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1984, 290 p.

427. EISELE, Thomas David, Wittgenstein's normativenaturalism: the point of his practice. Ann Arbor: The University ofMichigan, 1984, 346 p.

428. GARCIA SELGAS, Fernando Jose, Aspectos fundamentales de lasrelaciones entre lenguaje y conocimiento. Lenguaje y realidad: Unainvestigacion a partir de Wittgenstein. Madrid: Universidad Complutensede Madrid, 1984.

429. GODWIN, W. G. H., Atomism, thought, and reference: themes fromWittgenstein and Russell. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1984, 346 p.

430. GRISWOLD, Patricia J., Some metaphors inWittgenstein.Riverside: University of California, 1984, 224 p.

431. HENSLEE, Douglas Edward, Ontology and analysis: Russell,Wittgenstein, Carnap, Quine.Lincoln: University of Nebraska, 1984, 150p.

432. HOLLAND, R. H., Relativism and education: the philosophicalfoundations of the curriculum in Wittgensteinian terms. London:Institute of Education / University of London, 1984.

433. HUBSCHER, Paul, Der Einfluss von Johann Wolfgang Goethe undPaul Ernst auf Ludwig Wittgenstein.Bern: Universitat Bern, 1984, VIII,224 p.

434. IZQUIERDO MARTINEZ, Jesus, Intenciones y acciones. El problemade la intencionalidad en el contexto de la Controversiaexplicaciones/comprensiones. Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 1984.

435. KAHLER, Charles, Two theories of representation:Wittgenstein's picture theory and Peirce's semiotic. Chicago:University of Chicago, 1984.

436. KAISER, William Joe, A Wittgensteinian critique of realism insocial science methodology. New Brunswick: Rutgers State University ofNew Jersey, 1984, 199 p.

437. KURTHEN, Martin, Der Schmerz als medizinisches undphilosophisches Problem. Anmerkungen zur Spatphilosophie LudwigWittgensteins und zur Leib-Seele-Frage.Bonn: Universitat Bonn, 1984, 104p.

438. LANGWORTHY, Robert Stover, The Certainty of Faith:Wittgenstein's <<On Certainty>> and ChristianApologetics. New Haven: Yale University, 1984, 246 p.

439. MC GOWAN, D. K. J., Language and creative writing. An analysisof poetic meaning in the light of Wittgenstein's later philosophy.Manchester: University of Manchester, 1984.

440. MATHISON, Thomas Herbert, Wittgenstein and the limits ofethical questioning. New Haven: Yale University, 1984, 241 p.

441. MOSER, Alfred, Wittgensteins <<PhilosophischeUntersuchungen>>. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1984, 156 p.

442. NIEDERMAIR, Klaus, Das Problem der sprachlichenSelbstbezuglichkeit im<<Tractaus logico- philosophicus>>.Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck 1984, 327 p.

443. PAUL, D., The Place of<<PhilosophischeBetrachtungen>> and <<Philosophische Grammatik>> inWittgenstein's philosophical development. Nottingham: University ofNottingham, 1984.

444. PETRI, Jean Bernhard, Ludwig Wittgenstein und dermathematische Grundlagenstreit. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1984,141 p.

445. RASMUSSEN, Greig Stephen, Art-games, meaning, and style. Anexamination of artistic practice in the light of the later Wittgenstein.Calgary (Alberta): University of Calgary, 1984.

446. SHANKER, S.G. The turning-point in Wittgenstein'sphilosophy of mathematics. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1984, 276 p.

447. SUMMERFIELD, Donna M., Regresses, rules, and representation.Wittgenstein's Gordian knot. Notre Dame: University of Notre Dame,1984, 295 p.

448. TOMASINI BASSOLS, A.,A comparative study of Russell's andWittgenstein's logical atomism.Oxford: University of Oxford, 1984.

449. TYORINOJA, Reijo J., The grammar of faith: the nature ofreligious statements and concepts in the light of LudwigWittgenstein's later philosophy.Helsinki: Helsingfors Universitet,1984.


450. BEARN, Gordon C. F., Relativism and realism. The nature andlimits of epistemological relativity. New Haven: Yale University, 1985,400 p.

451. BOERSEMA, David Brian, Constructivism and reference.EastLansing: Michigan State University, 1985, 326 p.

452. BROWER.Bruce William, The private language argument.Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh, 1985, 214 p.

453. BRUNNER, Heinz, Vom Nutzen des Scheiters. Eineliteraturwissenschaftliche Interpretation von Ludwig Wittgensteins<<Philosophische Untersuchungen>>.Zurich: UniversitatZurich, 1985, 266 p.

454. EMERSON, Michael Paul, Perception, language, and context:studies in the thought of Merleau-Ponty and Wittgenstein: Seeing as,meaning, game, form of life.West Lafayette: Purdue University, 1985, 350p.

455. GARAVASO, Pieranna, Objectivity and consistency inmathematics: a critical analysis of two objections toWittgenstein's pragmatic conventionalism.Lincoln: University ofNebraska, 1985, 190 p.

456. HELLERER, Heinz Otto, Die Sprachwelt und das Lebensratsel: DerEinfluss von Schopenhauer und Tolstoi auf Ludwig Wittgensteins<<Logisch-philosophische Abhandlung>>. Munchen: UniversitatMunchen, 1985, 215 p.

457. HILMY, Sameer S., Philosophical Method in the Later Work ofWittgenstein. Themes from the Emergency of his Later<<Denkweise>>. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1985.

458. MC CULLY, R. S. O'B., A Wittgensteinian perspective oncontemporary approaches to moral education.Belfast: Queen'sUniversity, 1985.

459. MC EWEN, I., Wittgenstein: Mathematics and Philosophy.Oxford:University of Oxford, 1985.

460. MC KINNON, F. C., Wittgenstein, Frege, and theories ofmeaning. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1985.

461. MARTIN, Glen, The transformation of nihilism: a study ofmetaphysical truth in Nietzsche and Wittgenstein. New York: CityUniversity of New York, 1985, 621 p.

462. O'CONNOR, P. J., Wittgenstein's conception ofreligious belief. Exeter: University of Exeter, 1985.

463. ORR, Deborah Jane, Wittgenstein on understanding self andothers. Downsview: York University, 1985.

464. SCHILLER, Britt-Marie Christina, Wittgenstein on reading: astylistic structural, and methodological study of<<Investigations>>, Sections 156-178.St. Louis: WashingtonUniversity, 1985, 373 p.

465. SHAPIRO, Amy H., Wittgenstein and psychoanalysis: the role oflanguage in the analytic cure. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1985.

466. SWEET-HURD, Evelyn Carol, The roles of language in selectednovels of Thomas Berger (Semiotics, Wittgenstein, Quine, postmodernism).Waco: Baylor University, 1985, 143 p.

467. VICCHIO, S.J., The problem of will with special reference toP.T. Forsyth, John Wisdom and Ludwig Wittgenstein. St. Andrews:University of St. Andrews, 1985, 311 p.


468. ABATE, Charles J., The rabbit and the beetle: an essay onQuine and Wittgenstein. Syracuse: University of Syracuse, 1986, 218 p.

469. ALLEN, Barry Gilbert, Criteria and intentionality: studies inWittgenstein (private language), Kripke (rulefollowing), Davidson(sameness and diference).Princeton: Princeton University, 1986, 480 p.

470. AYLESWORTH, Gary Eben, From grounds to play: a comparativeanalysis of Wittgenstein and Heidegger. Stony Brook: State University ofNew York, 1986, 291 p.

471. BARNET, William Earl, Elements of philosophical grammar:conceptual foundations of Wittgenstein's method. Ithaca (N.Y.):Cornell University, 1986, 279 p.

472. COOKE, Justus Lee III, Wittgenstein and theoretic spirit inphilosophy. Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1986, 152 p.

473. CREADON, Mary Ann, Wittgenstein's door to historicalcriticism: (Language, politics, literary theory, representation,philosophy).Evanston: Northwestern University, 1986, 268 p.

474. DENNING, Laverne Joseph, Wittgenstein and logical necessity(Dummett). Lawrence: University of Kansas, 1986, 209 p.

475. KAHA, Catherine Waite, Wittgenstein, Merleau-Ponty, and thepoetic gestalt. Urbana- Champaign: University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 1986, 212 p.

476. MARTINEZ MARQUES, Antonio, Racionalidad de crisis ypragmatismo: lectura de las <<Investigaciones Filosoficas>>de Wittgenstein.Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 1986, 64 p.

477. MINAR, Edward Hays, <<PhilosophicalInvestigations>>, sections 185-202: Wittgensteins's treatmentof following a rule.Cambridge: Harvard University, 1986, 346 p.

478. PRADES CELMA, Jose Luis, Filosofia del lenguaje y teoria de lamente en las Investigaciones Filosoficas de Wittgenstein.Valencia:Universidad de Valencia, 1986.

479. RAY, Kenneth Arthur Hugo, Realism and rationality(Wittgenstein). Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, 1986, 203 p.

480. ROSER, Andreas, Die Privatsprache der Privatsprachenkritik beiLudwig Wittgenstein. Wien: Universitat Wien, 1986, 199 p.

481. RUSHALL, Martin Paul, Nietzsche and Wittgenstein: Some Aspectsof the Proximity of Their Perspective Concerns.Leeds: University ofLeeds, 1986.

482. TANNER, Steven Oliver, The private language problem.Urbana-Champaign: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 1986, 263p.


483. BOGHOSSIAN, Paul Artin, Essays on meaning and belief.Princeton: University of Princeton, 1987, 220 p.

484. BUTLER, Martin Lucas, Logial Syntax and the Limits of Sende inthe Philosophy of Frege and Wittgenstein. Sheffiels: University ofSheffield, 1987.

485. CRAMER, Robin, Fundamental aspects of Wittgenstein'slater conception of language. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1987, 271 p.

486. CREEGAN, Charles L., Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein: a new wayof <<doing philosophy>>. Madison: Drew University, 1987, 227p.

487. GERRARD, Steven Burr, Wittgenstein in transition: thephilosophy of mathematics. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1987.

488. HANNAFORD, R., Language, God and the self: a study in theintegrity of Wittgenstein's Tractatus logicophilosophicus. Exeter:University of Exeter, 1987, 283 p.

489. MARCONDES, Danilo, Language and action: A reassessment ofSpeech Act Theory.St. Andrews: University of St. Andrews, 1987.

490. MULHALL, Stephen, Wittgenstein on aspect-perception and thephilosophy of psychology. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1987, 260 p.

491. WRIGLEY, Michael Beaumont, Wittgenstein's earlyphilosophy of mathematics. Berkeley: University of California atBerkeley, 1987, 183 p.

492. WYBURGH, Margaret, Language, spaces and self: a question ofa-priori. Essex: University of Essex, 1987.


493. BEEBE, David Dean, Type rites : rhetoric and reality in anintroductory typewriting classroom within a context of ritual.Edmonton(Alb.): University of Alberta, 1988.

494. BLACKLOKS, Stephen, The notion of philosophy inWittgenstein's later writings. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1988,265 p.

495. DUBSKY, Richard S., A comparison of Heidegger andWittgenstein's departure from traditional formulations of world,language and truth.Pittsburgh:Duquesne University, 1988, 159 p.

496. FLEMING, Jesse Charles, Chuang Tsu and the problem of personalidentity: a study of identity and interrelatedness. Honolulu: Universityof Hawaii, 1988, 254 p.

497. GARCIA-CARPINTERO SANCHEZ-MIGUEL, Manuel, La teoria de laproposicion y la teoria ramificada de los tipos: Bertrand Russell,1900-1919.Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona, 1988, XXVI, 446 p.

498. GIL DE PAREJA OTON, Jose Luis, La filosofia de la psicologiade Ludwig Wittgenstein. Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 1988.

499. HUMPHREY, John Arthur, Ludwig Wittgenstein's philosophyof mathematics: the search for a clearview. Washington:WashingtonUniversity, 1988, 325 p.

500. JOHN, Peter Conway, A sense of wonder: reassessing the lifeand work of Ludwig Wittgenstein. San Diego: University of California,1988, 268 p.

501. KRIEGER, Eliot Franklin, Flashes upon an inward eye: aWittgensteinian studyof mental imaginery. Baltimore: Johns HopkinsUniversity, 1988, 264 p.

502. LEWIS, A. P., Wittgenstein, rules and moral realism. London:University of London, 1988, 307 p.

503. LOHR, Davidson, The legitimate heir to theology: a study ofLudwig Wittgenstein. Chicago: The University of Chicago, 1988.

504. MARCOTTE, Edward Joseph, Wittgenstein and systematicphilosophy. Stony Brook: State University of New York at Stony Brook,1988, 250 p.

505. MC PHERSON, Jan Norman, Wittgenstein's Transformation:developing linguistic responsibility. St. Andrews: University of St.Andrews, 1988, 468 p.

506. NEVO, Isaac, Rule-following scepticism and the individuationof speaker's meaning. Santa Barbara: University of California atSanta Barbara, 1988, 209 p.

507. OLIVERI, Gianluigi, The principles of analytical philosophy.Oxford: University of Oxford, 1988, 218 p.

508. RAY, Rickey Joe, Forms of life and religious belief in thethought of Wittgenstein and his interpreters: Alternative visions ofreligion in society.Louisville (Kentucky):The Southern BaptistTheological Seminar, 1988, 299 p.

509. SILVERBERG, Arnold Steven, Anti-realism in semantics andlogic. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1988.

510. VIDAL CLARAMONTE, M. Carmen Africa, Bajo el signo de Saturno ola apertura posmoderna. Alicante: Universidad de Alicante, 1988.

511. VOLK, Ulrich, Das Problem eines semantischen Skeptizismus:Saul Kripkes Wittgenstein- Interpretation. Freiburg i. Br.: UniversitatFreiburg im Breisgau, 1988, 186 p.

512. WACHTER, Ann-Mari, Ways of seeing and modes of knowing. StonyBrook: State University of New York at Stony Brook, 1988, 282 p.


513. AALTOLA, Juhani, Meaning from the Point of View of Teachingand Learning in the Light of Wittgenstein's Later Philosophy andPragmatism. Jyvaskyla: Jyvaskylan Yliopisto, 1989, 249 p.

514. BJELIC, Dusan I., On the social origin of logic.Boston:University of Boston, 1989, 176 p.

515. BREEMEN, Brian A.,The radiant gist: the poetics and prose ofWilliam Carlos Williams. Princeton: University of Princeton, 1989, 337p.

516. FARIA, Paulo F.E., Logica e interpretacao: Wittgenstein e oproblema das incompatibilidades sinteticas. Minas Gerais: UniversidadeFederal de Minas Gerais, 1989.

517. GLOCK, Hans-Johann, Grammar and methodology: onWittgenstein's later conception of philosophy. Oxford: Universityof Oxford, 1989, 369 p.

518. GUIMARAES, Livia M., Linguagem e filosofia nas<<Investigacoes Filosoficas>> de Wittgenstein. Minas Gerais:Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 1989.

519. HARPER, Richard Robert, An ethnographic examination ofaccountancy. Manchester: Victoria University of Manchester, 1989, 213 p.

520. JACOBY-ULLAH, Vera, Die Suche nach der Identitat des Menschenin den anthrologogischen Sprachspielen Karl Barths und LudwigWittgensteins.Berlin: Freie Universitat, 1989. Cuatro microfichas.

521. LANGER, Karl, Das Wittgenstein-Haus. Geschichte, Analyse undInterpretation. Munchen: Technische Universitat, 1989, 292 p.

522. LONGY, Francoise, Constitution d'epistemologiesevolutionistes: De Carnap a Popper et de Wittgenstein a Toulmin.Lille:Universite de Lille III, 1989.

523. MACHADO, Rentao, Relevancia epistemologica da doutrina dosignificado no <<Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus>>. MinasGerais: Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, 1989.

524. PRESTON, Michael Ingram, Perceptual Experience and EmbodiedMeaning: An Investigation into Their Significance for Education. WithReference to Merleau-Ponty and Wittgemstein. London: Universitu ofLondon, 1989.

525. RODRIGUEZ SUTIL, Carlos, Wittgenstein y el problema de lamente en la psicologia contemporanea. Madrid: Universidad Complutense deMadrid, 1989.

526. SONG, Hasuk, Wittgenstein's private language argument andrule scepticism (Kripke). Long Beach: California State University, 1989,88 p.

527. TING, Fu-Ning, Wittgenstein's Descriptive Method.Roma:Universitas Pontificia Gregoriana, 1989.

528. TOMASSI, Paul, A critical study of the coherence of criterialreasoning. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1989, 255 p.

529. WEINER, David, The ill-will against time: Schopenhauer'sinfluence on Wittgenstein's early philosophy. New Haven: YaleUniversity, 1989, 258 p.


530. AVRAMOVA Elena, Der Einfluss der Sprachphilosophie LudwigWittgensteins auf die poetologische Konzeption von Ingeborg Bachmann.Leipzig: Universitat Leipzig, 1990, 163 p.

531. BEANEY, Michael, The bonds of sense: an essay in the historyof analytic philosophy (logic, aristotelian, fregean). Oxford:University of Oxford, 1990, 291 p.

532. BROWN, Frank Farnun, In the beginning and not before: thearchitectonics of <<On Certainty>>. Chapel Hill: Universityof North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1990, 126 p.

533. CASALS NAVAS, Josep, La crisis del sujeto en la cultura del<<finis Austriae>>. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona,1990, 381 p.

534. CHECKLAND, David Anthony, Wittgenstein and Davidson: meaningand agreement (Davidson Donald). Toronto: University of Toronto, 1990,397 p.

535. COSTA, Claudio F., Wittgensteins Beitrag zu einersprachphilosophischen Semantik. Konstanz: Universitat Konstanz, 1990,256 p.

536. DEFEZ I MARTIN, Antoni, Wittgenstein i el problema delconeixement: Una exposicio critica. Valencia: Univertitat de Valencia,1989 / 1990, 726p.

537. DISBREY, Claire, Innovation and tradition: towards aninstitutional theory of religion. Milton Keynes: Open University, 1990,415 p.

538. FEBBRARO, Angela R., Construct validity, leadership, andmeaning: shaking the foundations. Guelph: University of Guelph, 1990, 95p.

539. FLOYD, Juliet H., The rule of the mathematical:Wittgenstein's later discussions. Cambridge (Mass.): HarvardUniversity, 1990, 310 p.

540. KERMODE, Robert, Why scepticism is not reasonable? Montreal:Mc Gill University, 1990, 92 p.

541. KOBER, Michael, Gewissheit als Norm: Wittgensteinserkenntnistheoretische Untersuchungenin <<Uber Gewissheit>>.Gottingen: Universitat Gottingen, 1990, 429 p.

542. LANG, Jonathan Sanders, How is a discourse on the selfpossible? New York: City University of New York, 1990, 409 p.

543. LYON, Arabella, Rhetoric and disciplinary change: a study ofWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>> and<<Investigations>>. Troy: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute,1990, 227 p.

544. MC CARTHY, Luise Prior, Wittgenstein and education: teachingthe infinite sign. Tallahasee: Florida State University, 1990, 315 p.

545. MINAR, Edward H.,Philosophical Investigations (Sectios)185-202: Wittgenstein's Treatement of Following a Rule.Cambridge(Mass.). Harvard University, 1990.

546. NEWMAN, Elizabeth, Alexander Schmemann and orthodox theology:the liturgy as sacred <<Sprachspiel>>. Durham: DukeUniversity, 1990, 301 p.

547. RISJORD, Mark Winden, Semantics, culture, and rationality:toward an epistemology of ethnology. Chapel Hill: University of NorthCarolina at Chapel Hill, 1990, 229 p.

548. RITSCH, Martin, Wittgenstein uber Freud: einesprachphilosophische Untersuchung der Psychoanalyse. Innsbruck:Universitat Innsbruck, 1990, 105 p.

549. RUFFINO, Marco, O principio do contexto em Frege eWittgenstein. Sao Paulo / Campinas: Universidade Estadual de Campinas,1990.

550. SCHOLZ, Barbara Caroline, Kripke's Witgensteinianparadox. Columbus: Ohio State University, 1990, 179 p.

551. SCHWIENBACHER, Renate, Sprache, Information, Geschlecht.Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1990, 108 p

552. SEEKIRCHER, Monika, Die Problematik des Solipsismus bei LudwigWittgenstein und Ferdinand Ebner. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck,1990, 134 p.

553. SMITH, Jeremy Mark, Conviction in the everyday: Joseph Conradand scepticism. Montreal: Mc Gill University, 1990, 108 p.


554. ALLEN, Robert, Language games: an exposition and defence ofWittgenstein's Later Philosophy. Detroit: Wayne State University,1991, 229 p.

555. BARNHART, Michael Grulrow, Relativity and rationality.Philadelphia: Temple University, 1991, 372 p.

556. BIX, Brian, Wittgenstein and Legal Determinacy. Oxford:University of Oxford, 1991.

557. BOGEN, David E., Order without rules: theorizing naturallanguage use. Boston: Boston University, 1991, 302 p.

558. BRILL, Susan B., Limiting investigations: Ludwig Wittgensteinand critical theory. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico, 1991, 264 p.

559. CRAKER, Tim, Remarking Wittgenstein: Mimesis, Witz,Physiognomy. Fragmentation and Tempo in Witgenstein's Remarks.Binghamton: State University of New York, 1991.

560. CRONIN, Ciaran Patrick, Towards a theory of rationality inmoral discourse. Wittgenstein and Habermas on practical reasonEvanston:Northwestern University, 1991, 290 p.

561. DEMARCO, Charles Wesley, Wittgenstein and philosophicalsignification. Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 1991, 534 p.

562. DOBBINS, Garry Raymond, The meaning of life in the work ofNietzsche and Wittgenstein. Charlottesville: University of Virginia,1991, 342 p.

563. ELSAYED, Mohamed Ahmed Mohamed, The verifiability principle inlogical positivism philosophy. Boston: Boston College, 1991, 190 p.

564. ELSTEIN, Karen, Wittgenstein's early ethics. Calgary:University of Calgary, 1991, 106 p.

565. EMBREE, Warren Charles, Ethics and interpretation.(Hermeneutics, Augustine, Derrida). Lincoln: University of Nebraska,1991, 312 p.

566. FAIRLEY, James, Method in Theology: Possibilities in the lightof Barth, Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein. Aberdeen: University ofAberdeen, 1991, 279 p.

567. FARROW, Stephen John, Wittgenstein and Grammar: A Study of theTheoretical Implications of Wittgenstein's PhilosophicalInvestigations for General Linguistics.Oxford: University of Oxford,1991.

568. FULTNER, B. S., Rules in context: a critique of Kripke'sinterpretation of Wittgenstein.Montreal: Mc Gill University, 1991, 77 p.

569. GROSS, George Michael, Universal ethics: constitutionalism andcounsel in Spinoza's <<Political Treatise>> (Heidegger,Spinoza, Wittgenstein).Chicago: University of Chicago, 1991.

570. HADEN, Norris K., Suffering of inwardness: an analysis ofreligious belief and existence in the thought of Kierkegaard andWittgenstein.Athens: University of Georgia, 1991, 237 p.

571. HANSEN, Evan Drew, Does art have an essence? Danto versusWittgenstein on art, language and philosophy. Kingston: University ofKingston, 1991, 131 p.

572. HUNEKE, Angelika, Wittgenstein uber <<Ichglaube>>- Ausserungen und denBegriff des Glaubens. Interpretationvon <<Philosophischen Untersuchungen>>.Bielefeld:Universitat Bielefeld, 1991, 174 p.

573. IIJIMA, Shozo, An interpretation of Spinoza's<<ethics>>: Order, reason, and freedom (Heidegger, Spinoza,Wittgenstein). Chicago: University of Chicago, 1991.

574. LANDERS, Scott Adam, Rules and the concept of a rule in lawand legal theory. Durham, N.C.: Duke University, 1991, 459 p.

575. LUTZ, Leonard Giusep, Die Sprachspiel-Methode in der<<Philosophischen Untersuchungen>>. Zurich: UniversitatZurich, 1991, 171 p.

576. OBBO, Emmanuel, Metaphysical Elements in Wittgenstein'sPhilosophy. Roma: Pontificia Universitas Gregoriana, 1991.

577. PIPER, A.M., Wittgenstein and certainty: Wittgenstein,philosophy of mind, aesthetics. London: University College, 1991.

578. POLT, Richard Frederick Hastings, Heidegger and the Place ofLogic.Chicago: University of Chicago, 1991.

579. ROBINSON, Christopher C., Wittgenstein and politics:Theorizing from within ordinary language (political theory. Albany(N.Y.): State University of New York at Albany, 1991, 224 p.

580. RUBIO MARCO, Salvador, La estetica desde el pensamientofilosofico del segundo Wittgenstein.Valencia: Universitat de Valencia,1991, 564 p.

581. SHIELDS, Philip R.,Logic and sin in the writings of LudwigWittgenstein. (Heidegger, Spinoza, Wittgenstein). Chicago: University ofChicago, 1991.

582. SKUPIEN, Janet Mary, Aspects of Mind: Rationality andUnderstanding in Wittgenstein's <<PhilosophicalInvestigations>>. New York: Columbia University, 1991.

583. STEWART, T. Wesley, Paul L. Holmer and the logic of faith: AUtilization of Kierkegaard and Wittgenstein for contemporary ChristianTheology. Louisville (Kentucky): The Southern Baptist TheologicalSeminary, 1991, 279 p.

584. UNTERHOFER, Markus, Wittgenstein uber Mathematik und derenGrundlagen.Wien: Universitat Wien, 1991, 123 p.

585. WILSON, Ivan Benjamin Uriah, The concept of religious belief.Exeter: University of Exeter, 1991, 392 p.

586. WOODY, Murray, Is Wittgenstein's sceptical paradoxepistemological? Wien: Universitat Wien, 1991, 120 p.

587. YAWORSKI, Peter, Wittgenstein versus science on language andperception. Winnipeg (Man.): University of Manitoba, 1991, 141 p.


588. ALMEIDA, Claudio de, Russell on meaning and denotation. TheArgument of <<On Denoting>>. Hamilton (Ont.): Mc MasterUniversity, 1992.

589. BECKER, Glenn Erik, Hanging alert: The performance of language(Language-centered, Cage John, Stein Gertrude, Wittgenstein Ludwig, MacLow Jackson, Higgins Dick, Joyce James). Santa Barbara: University ofCalifornia at Santa Barbara, 1992, 183 p.

590. BERMUDEZ OSPINA, J. L., The unanswerability of the scepticalchallenge. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1992.

591. BONES, James, The Discourse Functions of Examples in AcademicTexts: A Discourse Study from the Perspective of Wittgenstein's<<on Following a Rule>>.Nottingham: University ofNottingham, 1992.

592. BRADY, E. S., The beholder's share: pictorialrepresentation and imagination. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 1992.

593. CASTILLO SANTOS, Ramon Jose del, La practica ylos limites dela interpretacion (el pragmatismo de Peirce, Dewey yWittgenstein).Madrid: Universidad Complutense, 1992.

594. COLBY, Mark Andrew, Meta-Philosophical Investigations:Paradoxes of Wittgenstein's Meta- Discourse on Language, Truth, andPhilosophy.New York: Columbia University, 1992.

595. EVANS, G. A., Holism, relativism and conceptualrevolutions.Cardiff, University of Wales, 1992.

596. FABROCINI, Filippo, Elementi di una teoria della conoscenzabasata en l'accione: Le contribuzioni di Wittgenstein, Piaget aHaberlas a le scienze cognitive. Roma: Pontificia UniversitasGregoriana, 1992, 230p.

597. FARRELLY-JACKSON, Steven, Universalism, Morality, and Art.Oxford: University of Oxford, 1992.

598. FRIEDLANDER, Eli, Expressions of judgement (Kant,Wittgenstein). Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1992, 289 p.

599. GILMORE, Richard Allen, La contribuzione di Wittgenstein,Piaget e Habermas a les scienze cognitive. Philosophical Health:Wittgenstein's method in <<PhilosophicalInvestigations>>. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1992.

600. KREBS, Victor J., Wittgenstein's Transcendentalism. NotreDame: University of Notre Dame, 1992, 279 p.

601. LEE, Seung-Chong, Wittgenstein's attitude towardcontradiction. Buffalo: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1992,219 p.

602. LEE-LAMPSHIRE, Wendy Lynne, The grammar of subjecthood.Wittgenstein, deconstruction and Dennett's intentional stance.Milwaukee: Marquette University, 1992, 174 p.

603. LOTTI, M. S., Logic and language in <<Tractatus>>.Cardiff: University of Wales, 1992.

604. NIEDBALLA, Thomas, Christliches Sprachspiel und religioseErfahrung: Wittgenstein und die Theologie. Heidelberg: UniversitatHeidelberg, 1992, 281 p.

605. PINTO, Paulo Roberto MARGUTTI, Wittgenstein and SemanticPresuppositions of Definite Descriptions in Subject-Position. Edinburgh:University of Edinburgh, 1992.

606. SAES, Silvia F.A., Wittgenstein: Solipsismo e Linguagem. SaoPaulo: Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1992.

607. SCho*rGENHUMER, E., Ludwig Wittgenstein in the prose of ThomasBernhard. Wien: Universitat Wien, 1992, 127 p.

608. SHORT, Larry Ray, In a poetic fashion: an inquiry intolanguage, world, and religion. Tallahassee: Florida State University,1992, 347 p.

609. SHOSKY, John Edwin, A case of philosophical amnesia: Russell,Wittgenstein and a forgotten manuscript. Washington: AmericanUniversity, 1992, 144 p.

610. UPPER, John, Wittgenstein and Peirce.Kingston (Ontario):Queen's University, 1992, 201 p.

611. WEBER, Mark Eugene, Wittgenstein on the experience and contentmodel of the mind. Boston: University of Boston, 1992, 380 p.


612. BLATNIK, Edward James Weber, The refutation of anti-realism.Charlottesville: University of Virginia, 1993, 419 p.

613. CONDE, Mauro L.L.,O problema de reducao entre linguagem emundo em L. Wittgenstein. Minas Gerais: Universidade Federal de MinasGerais, 1993.

614. CRUMMETT, Vance, The poetics of immanence: Heidegger,Wittgenstein, and the language of modern poetry. Milwaukee: Universityof Wisconsin, 1993, 327 p

615. CUTER, Joao V.,A teoria da figuracao e a teoria dos tipos: O<<Tractatus>> no contexto do projeto logicista. Sao Paulo:Universidade de Sao Paulo, 1993.

616. DALL'AGNOLL, Darley, Critica a linguagem e etica: Ademarcacao dos limites do dizivel no <<Tractatus>> e seusentido etico.Rio Grande do Sul: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande doSul, 1993.

617. FROCH, Joachim, Die Natur ethischer Rede nach LudwigWittgenstein: Ein Beitrag zur Disziplinierung der Philosophie.Innsbruck:Universitat Innsbruck, 1993, 89 p.

618. GALBREATH, Paul, Doxology and Theology: an investigation ofthe Apostles' Cred in light of Ludwig Wittgenstein.Heidelberg:Universitat Heidelberg, 1993, 189 p.

619. GILLILAND, Rex, Nietzsche's and Wittgenstein'swritings on language and style. Long Beach: California State University,1993.

620. JOST, John, Social psychological aspects ofWittgenstein's philosophy. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati,1993.

621. KEMP, Gary Neville, Frege's philosophy of logic.SantaBarbara: University of California at Santa Barbara, 1993, 568 p.

622. KIM, J., Wittgenstein's mysticism.Oxford: University ofOxford, 1993.

623. NEPOMECHIE, Esther Adouth, Scepticism: an overview. CoralGables: University of Miami, 1993, 247 p.

624. PAI, Anand, Erkenntnis und Sprache bei Hegel und Wittgenstein.Wien: Universitat Wien, 1993, 96 p.

625. RICHARDSON, Marissa Anne, Successful interculturalcommunication in terms of two related concepts: <<practicalcertainty>> and <<going on>>.Worcester: University ofMassachusetts, 1993, 530 p.

626. ROSS, John, An examination of the <<seeing-as>>discussion in <<Philosophical Investigations>>, Part II.Bronx: Fordham University, 1993, 212 p.

627. ROTHHAUPT, Josef G. F., Farbthemen in WittgensteinsGesamtnachlass: philologisch- philosophische Untersuchungen imLangsschnitt und in Querschnitten. Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 1993,767 p.

628. STETSON, Jeffrey Alan, Constructing <<Victim>>:three case studies. Boston: University of Boston, 1993, 279 p.

629. THOMMES, Armin, Die Koharenztheorie der Wahrheit und der Kunstim Spatwerk von Ludwig Wittgenstein. Mainz: Universitat Mainz, 1993, 209p.

630. WEDENIG, Josef, Sprache und Denken in Wittgensteinsphilosophischen Untersuchungen. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1993,65 p.


631. BANZATO, Claudio E.M.,A concepcao linguistica freudiana ealgumas de susimplicacoes filosoficas: Ensaio inspirado nas criticas deWittgenstein a Freud.Sao Paulo / Campinas: Universidade Estadual deCampinas, 1994.

632. CLACK, Brian R., Wittgenstein, Frazer and religion: Ananalysis of the <<Remarks on Frazer's Golden Bough>>illustrating the significance of Wittgenstein's view of magical andreligious phenomena. London: King's College, 1994.

633. FARIA, Paulo F. E., O mundo exterior; uma investigacaogramatical. Rio Grande do Sul: Universidade Federal do Rio Grande doSul, 1994.

634. FINKELSTEIN, David Howard, Speaking my mind:: First-personauthority and conscious mentality. Pittsburgh: University of Pittsburgh,1994, 207 p.

635. FURUTA, Hirokiyo, Wittgenstein und Heidegger:<<Sinn>> und <<Logik>> in der Tradition deranalytischen Philosophie.Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 1994, 164 p.

636. GEFWERT, Christoffer, Wittgenstein on philosophy andmathematics: an essay in the history of philosophy. Abo: Akademi /Humanistika Fakulteten, 1994, 287 p.

637. HASAN, A. M. A.,The role of religion and literary art in thedevelopment of Wittgenstein's philosophical thought.Hull:University of Hull, 1994.

638. HISABE, K., Wittgenstein: rules, accordance and form of life.Kent: University of Kent, 1994.

639. HOBUSS, Steffi, Wittgenstein uber Expressivitat: der Ausdruckin Korpersprache und Kunst. Bielefeld: Universitat Bielefeld, 1994, 211p.

640. HOLT, R. J., The grammar of human rights: a Wittgensteiniananalysis. London: London School of Economics, 1994.

641. JOSEPH, Marc Alter, Wittgenstein on truth and necessity inmathematics. New York: Columbia University, 1994, 211 p.

642. LEVVIS, Gary Watts, A critique of Tractarian semantics.Chattanooga: University of Tennessee, 1994, 375 p.

643. NAM, Kichang, A Defense of Wittgenstein's PrivateLanguage Argument. East Lansing: Michigan State University, 1994.

644. SAALBACH, Paul Louis, Godel's fairyland /Wittgenstein's angel: Mathematical practice and its point. Boulder:University of Colorado at Boulder, 1994, 493 p.

645. SASSANO, Annalisa, From Huizinga to Wittgenstein: Aphilosophical analysis of the notions of play, games andlanguage-games.Buffalo: State University of New York at Buffalo, 1994,192 p.

646. SLINKER, Kent G., Wittgenstein and Proust: Some issues inexperience, understanding and meaning. Salt Lake City: University ofUtah, 1994

647. THOMPSON, Caleb, Wittgenstein'sConfessions.Charlottesville: The University of Virginia, 1994. 1995

648. ALONSO PUELLES, Antonio, Wittgenstein y el arte. El siglo deWittgenstein. San Sebastian: Universidad del Pais Vasco, 1995.

649. AMMERELLER, E. A. V., Wittgenstein on intentionality.Oxford:University of Oxford, 1995.

650. ATHANASOPOULUS, Constantinos Georgiu, The Metaphysics ofIntentionality Focused on Sartre's and Wittgenstein'sPhilosophy of Mind and Language. Glasgow: University of Glasgow, 1995.

651. CERBONE, David Ralph, Logic, grammar, and conceptualdivergence in Wittgenstein's later philosophy. Berkeley: Universityof California at Berkeley, 1995, 216 p.

652. DUVAL, R. Shannon, Looking and seeing: Ethics, aesthetics, andWittgenstein's political thought. University Park: PennsylvaniaState University, 1995, 229 p.

653. FANE, C. E., Wittgenstein's rule-followingconsiderations: an argument against naturalistic reductionism insemantics.Bristol: University of Bristol, 1995.

654. GEA IZQUIERDO, Francisco Javier, Aspectos transcendentales ymetatranscendentales enel pensamiento de Wittgenstein. Granada:Universidad de Granada, 1995.

655. GRIEGO, Agnese, Die ethische Ubung: Ethik und Sprachkritik beiWittgenstein und Sokrates. Berlin: Freie Universitat, 1995, 147 p.

656. GROSSHANS, Hans-Peter, Theologischer Realismus: einsprachphilosophischer Beitrag zu einer theologischen Sprachlehre.Tubingen: Universitat Tubingen, 1995, 352 p.

657. HAMMER, Espen, Reclaiming the ordinary: Towards a critique ofdiscourse ethics. New York: New School for Social Research, 1995, 475 p.

658. HARCOURT, E. R. F., Sense and the first person: Frege andWittgenstein. Oxford: University of Oxford, 1995.

659. JAGANATHAN, Muraleenathan, Psychology and the limits ofmechanistic explanation. Kingston (Ontario): Queen's University atKingston, 1995, 265 p.

660. KENAAN, Hagi Baruch, The construction of speech: aphenomenological critique of the language of facts. New Haven: YaleUniversity, 1995, 212 p.

661. MARUTA, K., On the concept of the inner: a critical study ofWittgenstein's philosophy. Wales: Swansea University, 1995.

662. MATTINGLY, Byron Mark, Measure and skepticism inWittgenstein's philosophy of language. Stony Brook: StateUniversity of New York at Stony Brook, 1995, 264 p.

663. MC MANUS, D., Wittgenstein's critique of philosophy: itsnature and limitations. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1995.

664. MILLER, Alexander, Sublimation, realism, and rule-following:an outline of a humanized Platonism.Ann Arbor: University of Michigan,1995, 309 p.

665. MOONEN, Erik, Blindheit und Erlebnis: Uber Wittgenstein,Thomas Mann und die Bedeutung literarischer Texte.Leuven: KatholiekeUniversiteit, 1995, 246 p.

666. NEEDLE, J.J. H.-H., Ruling out the sorites: vagueness, rules,Wittgenstein. New York: City University of New York, 1995.

667. NILES, Jan Harcourt, Wittgenstein and the generative theoriesof language and linguistic competence. Irvine: University of Californiaat Irvine, 1995, 175 p.

668. NUECHTERLIEN, John David, The conceptual theory of meaning:God, the world, and everything. Coral Gables: University of Miami, 1995,425 p.

669. OHNMACHT, Martin, Wittgenstein uber die Nichtkonstruierbarkeitdes Siebenecks: Eine Metapher fur die Unvollstandigkeit der Mathematik.Wien: UniversitatWien, 1995, 216 p.

670. POPPE, Susan O'Shaughnessy, Monde vecu and Lebensform.Merleau-Ponty and Wittgenstein on the roots of linguistic meaning.NotreDame: University of Notre Dame, 1995, 169 p.

671. READ, Rupert J.,Practices without foundations? Scepticalreadings of Wittgenstein and Goodman. An investigation into thedescription and justification of induction and meaning at theintersection of Kripke's <<Wittgenstein on Rules and PrivateLanguage>> and Goodman's <<Fact, Fiction, andForecast>>. New Brunswick: Rutgers University of New Jersey, 1995,715 p.

672. ROBINSON, D. J., The philosophy of perception: Wittgensteinianperspective. Durham: University of Durham, 1995.

673. ROCHA MARQUES, E. d., Wittgenstein und die Moglichkeit eineskategorialen Diskurses. Konstanz: Universitat Konstanz, 1995, 230 p.

674. SAVICKEY, Beth Anne, Wittgenstein's method of grammaticalinvestigations. York: University of York, 1995, 285 p.

675. SHELLEY, James Rand, The skeptic's progress: Austin,Wittgenstein, and contemporary approaches to scepticism. Chicago:University of Chicago, 1995, 185 p.

676. SIDIROPOULU, C., Wittgenstein, the self and religious life.Wales: Lampeter University, 1995.

677. SORABJI, J. R., Wittgenstein's conception of philosophyas therapy. Manchester: University of Manchester, 1995.

678. SQUIRES, Anthony Craig, Memories of truth, habits offollowing. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1995, 244 p.

679. VATER, Stefan, Ludwig Wittgenstein: Lebensbegriff undsoziologische Theorie. Linz: Universitat Linz, 1995, 73 p.

680. WARWICK, Michael Charles, The metaphysics und phenomenology ofWittgenstein's <<Tractatus>>: An interpretativeinvestigation into the nature and function of simple objects inWittgenstein's early theories of meaning. Eugene:University ofOregon, 1995, 399 p.

681. WILHELMI, Juan, Language and human understanding. A criticalexamination of a few socio- philosophical interpretations of the laterWittgenstein.Uppsala: Uppsala Universitet, 1995, 198 p.

682. ZOIS, Joelle M., Language and the ethical in <<Finnegan's Wake>> and the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein.New Brunswick:Rutgers State University of New Jersey, 1995, 699 p.


683. AFFELDT, Steven, Constituing Morality: Essays on Expressionand the Bases of Intelligibility in Rousseau, Wittgenstein, andFreud.Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1996.

684. BERMES, Christian, Philosophie der Bedeutung. Bedeutung alsBestimmung und Bestimmbarkeit. Eine Studie zu Frege, Husserl, Cassirerund Honigswald.Trier: Universitat Trier, 1996, 241 p.

685. BUCHHOLZ, Kai, Sprachspiel und Semantik.Saarbrucken:Universitat Saarbrucken, 1996, 312.

686. CANNATELLA, H.J., An Investigation of Kant's andWittgenstein's ideasand their relevance for art and designeducation.London: University of London / Institute of Education, 1996.

687. CEREZO LALLANA, Maria Mar, El <<Tractatuslogico-philosophicus>> y su interpretacion esencialista. Pamplona:Universidad de Navarra, 1996.

688. DRUDIS BALDRICH, Raimundo, La nocion de filosofia enWittgenstein. Madrid: Universidad Complutense de Madrid, 1996.

689. FERMANDOIS, Eduardo, Sprachspiele, Sprachakte, Gesprache: eineUntersuchung der Sprachorgmatik. Berlin: Freie Universitat Berlin, 1996,326 p.

690. GAGER, Burkhard, Wittgensteins Weg in die Philosophie. Versucheiner Rekonstruktion seiner intellektuellen Sozialisatio uber dasIngnieurstudium im Kontext des Rechnikerstreiks.Graz: Universitat Graz,1996, 142 p.

691. HILTMANN, Gabrielle, Aspekte sehen: Bemerkungen zummethodischen Vorgehen in Wittgensteins Spatwerk. Zurich: UniversitatZurich, 1996, 124 p.

692. HYDER, David, Spielraum: Helmholtz's Manifold Theory ofPerception and the Logical Space of Wittgenstein's<<Tractatus>>.Toronto: University of Toronto, 1996.

693. KOINER, Priska, Wittgenstein und seine Interpreten: eineUntersuchung der wissenschaftlichen Praxis am Beispiel derhermeneutischen Wittgensteininterpretationen samt einer Analyse derVielschichtigkeit derPhilosophie Ludwig Wittgensteins.Wien: UniversitatWien, 1996, 129 p.

694. MARTINEZ, Horacio, Voluntad y Subjetividad en el pensamientodel <<Primer>> Wittgenstein: Acerca de una posibilidad deuna lectura etica del <<Tractatus>>. Sao Paulo: UniversidadeEstadual de Campinas, 1996.

695. MC CUTCHEON, Felicity Jocelyn, Religion within the limits oflanguage alone; Wittgenstein on philosophy and religion.Sydney:University of New South Wales, 1996, 252 p.

696. MUNZ, Regine, Religion als Beispiel: Sprache und Methode beiLudwig Wittgenstein in theologischer Perspective. Basel: UniversitatBasel, 1996, 224 p.

697. O'CONNOR, Margaret Rose, Back to the rough ground!Wittgensteinian moral realism. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota,1996, 209 p.

698. PARK, Byong-Chul, Phenomenological aspects inWittgenstein's philosophy. Boston: University of Boston, 1996, 264p.

699. POPOV, Stefan, Wittgenstein's Analytic of theMystical.New York: New School for Social Research, 1996.

700. PROESSEL, Dean Bodo, The role of the concept of<<showing>> in Wittgenstein's philosophy. London(Ont.): University of Western Ontario, 1996, 216 p.

701. REID, Lynette, The Determinacy of Logic in Wittgenstein's<<Tractatus>>. Urbana- Champaign: University of Illinois atUrbana-Champaign, 1996.

702. SCOTT, M. A.,Wittgenstein and aspects: the problem of freewill, causation and religious belief. London: University College London,1996.

703. SMITH, W.,Representation, art and the real work.York:University of York, 1996.

704. STONE, Martin Jay, Three essays in philosophy and law.Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1996, 261 p.

705. VISWANATHAN, K. S.,Existence after the God-man: Kierkegaard,Wittgenstein, and the paradox of Christian truth.Essex: University ofEssex, 1996.

706. WABEL, Thomas, Sprache als Grenzein Luthers theologischerHermeneutik und Wittgensteins Sprachphilosophie. Heidelberg: UniversitatHeidelberg, 1996, XVIII, 434 p.

707. WIKFORSS, Asa Maria, Linguistic freedom: an essay on meaningand rules. New York: Columbia University, 1996, 315 p.


708. ARMOUR, L.,A study of colour: Wittgensteinian andethnomethodological investigations.Lancaster: University of Lancaster,1997.

709. BEERMANN, Wilhelm, Die Festlegung des Sprachspiels: eineErorterung von Wittgensteins <<Uber Gewissheit>> im Ausgangvon Sprachspielbegriff der <<PhilosophischenUntersuchungen>>.Essen: Universitat Essen, 1997, 180 p.

710. CAYFORD, Jerrel, The Radical Readings of Wittgenstein: Wisdom,Cavell, Kripke, and Bloor as a School of Wittgensein Readers.Evanston:Northwestern University at Evanston, 1997.

711. COSTA, Arilson B. C., Delirio e Linguagem: tres ensaios sobrepsicose e referencia. Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia, 1997.

712. ERNST, Andreas, Wittgenstein und religioser Glaube: ZurReligionsphilosophie des spaten Wittgensteins unter besondererBerucksichtigung ihrer amerikanischen Rezeptionsgeschichte. Potsdam:Universitat Potsdam, 1997, 177 p.

713. ELLENBOGEN, Sara, The Later Wittgenstein's Account ofTruth. Toronto: University of Toronto, 1997.

714 ERNST, Ulrich, Grammatische Paradoxien: eine Studie zurMathematikphilosophie des spaten Wittgenstein. Heidelberg: UniversitatHeidelberg, 1997, 230 p.

715. FORD, S.,Wittgenstein, Cavell and imagination: a philosophicalanthropology. Essex: University of Essex, 1997.

716. GMUR, Felix, Asthetik bei Wittgenstein: uber Sagen und Zeigen.Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 1997, 308 p.

717. HEINEN, Rene, Sprachdynamik und Vernunft: Untersuchungen zumSpatwerk Nietzsche s und Wittgensteins. Frankfurt a. M.: UniversitatFrankfurt am Main, 1997, 373 p.

718. HEYES, Cressida Jane, Back to the Rough Ground! Wittgenstein,Essentialism, and Feminist Methods. Montreal: Mc Gill University, 1997.

719. HOYT, Christopher, A Wittgensteinian Study of ExperimentalPsychology. Chicago: University of Illinois at Chicago, 1997.

720. HUTCHISON, Robert Darren, The Song of Solipsism: Wittgensteinand the End of the Worl. Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 1997.

721. KASTENBAUER, Georg, Anwenden und Deuten: KripkesWittgensteininterpret ation und die Goethezeit. Tubingen: UniversitatTubingen, 1997, 247 p.

722. LINDBERG, Jordan, Language, Logic, Knowledge, and Reality. TheLogical Atomisms of Russell and Wittgenstein.Columbia: University ofMissouri at Columbia, 1997.

723. ORT, Larry J., Wittgenstein's KierkegaardianHeritage.East Lansing: Michigan State University, 1977.

724. PLEASANTS, Nigel, A Wittgensteinian critique of criticalsocial theory. Cambridge: University of Cambridge, 1997.

725. PROOPS, Ian, Logic and Language in Wittgenstein's<<Tractatus>>. Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard University, 1977.

726. SCHROEDER, Severin, Das Privatsprachen-Argument. Wittgensteinuber Empfindung und Ausdruck. Hamburg: Universitat Hamburg, 1997, 224 p.

727. SELMAN, F. J.,The soul and immortality.Cambridge: Universityof Cambridge, 1997.

728. STEUR, Daniel, Die stillen Grenzen der Theorie. Ubergangezwischen Sprache und Erfahrung bei Goetheund Wittgenstein.Frankfurta.-M.: Universitat Frankfurt am Main, 1997, 296 p.

729. THOMAS, E. V., Wittgensteinian descriptivism and concepts ofself-renuntiation. Milton Keynes: Open University, 1997.

730. VILLARMEA REQUEJO, Stella Gabriela, El problema delescepticismo en la epistemologia contemporanea. Madrid: UniversidadComplutense de Madrid, 1997.

731. WEIBERG, Anja, <<Und die Begrundung hat einEnde>>: Die Bedeutung von Religion und Ethik fur den PhilosophenWittgenstein und das Verstandnis seiner Werke. Wien: Universitat Wien1997, 182 p.


732. BOEDEKER, Edgar, The Concept of Showing in the Early Writingsof Heidegger and Wittgenstein.Evanston: Northwestern University atEvanston, 1998.

733. FISHER, Edward C., The Politics of Linguistic Turn: AWittgensteinian Analysis and Critique of the Role of Language inContemporary Political Theory. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 1998.

734. FURLAN, Reinaldo, Introducao ao pensamento de Merleau-Ponty:contrapuntos con Freud e Wittgenstein.Sao Paulo / Campinas: UniversidadeEstadual de Campinas, 1998.

735. HEINER, Steven, Merleau-Ponty an Wittgenstein on Understandingand Its Grounding. Lexington: University of Kentucky, 1998.

736. JAMISON, Tracy, Wittgenstein and the DialecticalRepresentation of Concepts. Cincinnati: University of Cincinnati, 1998.

737. JARENO ALARCON, Joaquin, Relativismo y lenguaje religioso enla filosofia deLudwig Wittgenstein.Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 1998.

738. KOCH, Walter, Uber Bedingung und Moglichkeit sprachlicherBezugnahme auf Empfindungen. Eine Kritik von Ludwig WittgensteinsAuffassung uber das Verhaltnisvon Empfindung, Empfindungswort undEmpfindungskorrelat. Heidelberg: Universitat Heidelberg, 1998, 154 p.

739. LAMPERT, Timm, Wittgensteins fruhe Sinnesdatenanalyse.Hamburg:Universitat Hamburg, 1998, 361 p.

740. LIN, Hong-Hsin, The Relevance of Heremeneutical Theory inHeidegger, Gadamer, Wittgenstein and Ricoeur for the Concept of Self inAdult Education.Nottingham: University of Nottingham, 1998.

741. LOOMIS, Eric, The Later Wittgenstein's Philosophy ofLogic. Austin: University of Texas at Austin, 1998.

742. LOPEZ CUENCA, Alberto, Seguir una regla: Lenguaje, practica yjustificacion en el ultimo Wittgenstein. Madrid: Universidad Autonoma deMadrid, 1998.

743. MEDINA, Jose, Wittgenstein's Transition: Meaning, Rulesand Practices. Evanston: Northwestern Universitat Evanston, 1998.

744. MVUMBI, KhualaInteriorite et langage prive chez Wittgesntein:Definition du champ theoretique de la question et analyse critique desarguments.Tubingen: Universitat Tubingen, 1998, V, 328 p.

745. OSTROW, Matthew, Wittgenstein, Plato, and the LiberatingWorld.Boston: Boston University, 1998.

746. PICHLER, Alois, Wittgenstein und das Schreiben. Ansatze zueinem Schreiberportrat. Innsbruck: Universitat Innsbruck, 1998, 141 p.

747. RITTER, Ulrike, Language as Chiffre. Wittgenstein'stheory of symbols. Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 1998, VIII, 197 p.

748. SAATELA, Simo, Aesthetics as Grammar. WittgensteinnandPost-Analytic Philosophy of Art. Uppsala: University of Uppsala,Department of Aesthetics, 1998.

749. SOUTER, A. Wittgenstein, fideism and the linguistic turn inpost-war British philosophy of religion. St. Andrews: University of St.Andrews, 1998.

750. SPREMBERG, Heinz, Zur Aktualitat der Asthetik Immanuel Kants:Ein Versuch zu Kants asthetischer Urteilstheorie mit Blick aufWittgenstein und Sibbley. Passau: Universitat Passau, 1998, 370 p.

751. STOBART, J. B. The self, linguistic and aesthetic: A study inthe early philosophy of Wittgenstein andSartre. Durham: University ofDurham, 1998.

752. STUART, J. J.,A critical non-reductionist realist response toKripke's Wittgenstein's sceptical paradox. Birmingham:University of Birmingham, 1998.

753. TEMELINI, Michael Joseph, Seeing Things Differently:Wittgenstein and Socialand Political Philosophy. Montreal: Mc GillUniversity, 1998.

754. WATZKA, Heinrich, Sagen und Zeigen. Die Verschrankung vonMetaphysikund Sprachkritik beim fruhen und bei spatenWittgenstein.Berlin: Humboldt Universitat, 1998, 184 p.

755. WORRELL, Mark, Aren't You Really a Behavioralist inDisguise? Philosophical Psychology in Ludwig Wittgenstein's<<Philosophical Investigations>>.Toronto: Univerity ofToronto, 1998.


756. CROCKER, Thomas, The Human Aspect: Wittgenstein on the EthicalPointof view. Nashville: Vanderbilt University, 1999.

757. DIAZ BADA, Javier, El problema de la distincion entreenunciados analiticos y sinteticos en la filosofia analitica. Madrid:Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, 1999.

758. GOERES, Ralf, Die Entwicklung der Philosophie Wittgensteins.Unter besonderer Berucksichtigung seiner Logikkonzeptionen.Dusseldorf:Universitat Dusseldorf, 1999, 382 p.

759. LESLIE, Hild Margared Werburgh, Freud After Wittgenstein: ARe-Evaluation of Freudian Psychoanalytic Concepts.Edinburgh: Universityof Edinburgh, 1999.

760. LINDSKOG, Dale, Diagnosis and Distinction: FromAugustine's Picture to Wittgenstein's Picture.York: YorkUniversity, 1999.

761. LOFTIS, James Robert, Normativity and Mathematics: AWittgensteinian Approach to Study of Number. Evanston: NorthwesternUniversity at Evanston, 1999.

762. RABINOWITZ, R. M., God is not an object. A Wittgensteinianaccount of belief in God.London: Birkbeck College, 1999.

763. RIBEIRO, Henrique JALES, Bertrand Russell e as origens dafilosofia analitica. O impacto do <<TractatusLogico-Philosophicus>> na filosofia de Russell.Coimbra:Universidade de Coimbra, 1999, 579 p.

764. WOODRUFF, David, Tractarian Mysticism: Moral Transformationthrough Aesthetic Contemplation in Wittgenstein's EarlyPhilosophyChicago: University of Illinois at Chicago, 1999.


765. BARCELO, A.A. Arturo, Mathematics as Grammar.Bloomington:Indiana University, 2000.

766. CARTER, Z. A., Speaking to others: Reflections onWittgenstein's Builders. Wales: University of Swansea, 2000.

767. CORNWELL, J.,Ethical practice and objective reasons: Kantianand Wittgensteinian Themes in the objectivity of ethical reasons.Oxford:University of Oxford, 2000.

768. ENGELMANN, Mauro L., A que pode mostrar un contra-senso (comocompreender a conclusao do <<Tractatus>> de Wittgenstein.RioGrande do Sul: Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Sul, 2000.

769. GELBMANN, Gerhard, Die pragmatische Kommunikationstheorie.Rekonstruktion, wissenschaftlicher Hintergrund, Kritik.Wien: UniversitatWien, 2000.

770. GUSTAFSSON, Martin, Entangled Sense. An Inquiry into thePhilosophical Significance of Meaning and Rules. Uppsala: UppsalaUniversity, Depart, emt of Philosophy, 2000.

771. HARRISON-MARCHAND, C. P., Reason and religious belief intraditional epistemology, reformed epistemology, and Wittgenstein. Acritical comparative inquiry. Wales: University of Swansea, 2000.

772. HOWES, Bruce, The Clear Terminus: A Kierkegaardian Reader ofWittgenstein's Tractatus. Ottawa: University of Ottawa, 2000.

773. HUGUES, Julian Christopher, Understanding Dementia: AWittgenstenian Critique of Models of Derrida. Warwick: University ofWarwick, 2000.

774. KOWALENKO, R., Goodman's riddle of induction and theKripke-Wittgenstein paradox. London: School of Slovenic and EastEuropean Studies, 2000.

775. LAMBERT, Pasquier, Logique, ethique et esthetique chezWittgenstein entre 1911 et 1921. Montreal: Universite de Montreal, 2000.

776. LI, Puqun, Wittgenstein on Nonsignificant Propositions.Ottawa:University of Ottawa, 2000.

777. LITWACK, Eric B.,The Later Wittgenstein's Humanism andthe Question of Moral Justification. Kingston: Queen's University,2000.

778. MARCELLE, Larry, Logic, World and Language inWittgenstein's Tractatus. New York: New School for Social Research,2000.

779. NIENTIED, Mariela, Kierkegaard und Wittgenstein:<<Hineintauschen in das Wahre>>. Frankfurt /Oder:Europa-Universitat, 2000, XI, 406 p.

780. OH, Seon Ok, Die Privatsprachenargumentation und Wittgensteins<<Philosophischen Untersuchungen>> in Hinsicht auf dieanalytische Philosophie des Geistes.Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 2000,III, 190 p.

781. RICHERS, Nikolaj, Wittgenstein's Jukundus: Language,Pathology and Therapy. York: York University, 2000.

782. ROBERTS, Laura K.,Situated Objectivity: Etical Judgement,Critique and Justification after Wittgenstein Urbana-Champaign:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2000.

783. SCHMITZ, Barbara, Wittgenstein uber Sprache und Empfindung.Eine historische und systematische Darstellung. Freiburg i. Br.:Universitat Freiburg im Breisgau, 2000, 312 p.

784. SNYDER, Eric, The Philosophy of Mathematics ofWittgenstein's Tractatus Logico- Philosophicus.London (Ontario):University of Western Ontario, 2000.

785. STOSCH, Klaus von, Glaubensverantwortung in doppelterKontingenz: Untersuchungen zur Verortung fundamentaler Theologier nachWittgenstein.Bonn: Universitat Bonn, 2000, 391 p.

786. WILLE, Katrin Erdmuth, Systemdenken: System als Konstellationin Wittgensteins Tractatus und System als Konstitution in HegelsSeinlogik.Munchen: Universitat Munchen, 2000, 174 p.

787. YAN, H. K. T.,Art, morality and ethics: Philosophicalinterpretations.Wales: University of Lampeter, 2000.


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789. AMARAL, Felipe S.,Causacao mental e reducao.Brasilia:Universidade de Brasilia, 2001.

790. EIBACH-DANZEGLOCKE, Swantje, Theologie als Grammatik. DieWittgensteinrezeptionen D.Z. Phillips und George A. Lindbecks und ihreImpulse fur theologisches Arbeiten.Bonn: Universitat Bonn, 2001, 214 p.

791. KORITENSKY, Andreas, Wittgensteins Phanomenologie derReligion: zur Rehabilitierung religioser Ausdrucksformen im Zeitalterder wissenschaftlichen Weltanschauung. Munchen: Hochschule furPhilosophie, 2001, 320 p.

792. PALMA, Jorge L. P.,Gramatica filosofica e propocicoesnecesarias.Brasilia: Universidade de Brasilia, 2001.

793. PLANT, R. C.,The sacrifice of good conscience. Religion,ethics and guilt in the work of Wittgenstein, Levinas andDerrida.Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, 2001.

794. RUDRUM, D.,Wittgenstein and the theory of narrative.London:Royal Holloway and Bedford New College, 2001.

795. SCHNEIDER, Jan Georg, Wittgenstein und Platon.Sokratisch-platonische Dialektik im Lichte der WittgensteinschenSprachspielkonzeption. Aachen: Technische Hochschule, 2001, 295 p.

796. STEUTZGER, Irene, <<Zu einem Sprachspiel gehort eineganze Kultur>>: Wittgenstein in der Schreibeweisen von IngeborgBachmann und Thomas Bernhard.Freiburg i. Br.: Universitat Freiburg imBreisgau, 2001, 293 p.


797. CAMPBELL, P. J.,On rules and the metaphysics ofmeaning.Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh, 2000.

798. CREGO DIAZ, Antonio, Karl Marx y Ludwig Wittgenstein:Elementos para una teoria sociopsicologica del conocimiento.Madrid:Universidad Complutense, 2002.

799. GILLESPIE, Gordon, Dummett und die <<Krankheit erklarenzu woollen>>. Eine Kritik der Bedeutungstheorie-KonzeptionDummetts mit Blick auf die Mathematik und der Anti-ReduktionismusWittgensteins hinsichtlich Bedeutung und Verstehen.Berlin: FreieUniversitat Berlin, 2002.

800. GURROLA PEREZ, Pedro, La influencia de Ludwig Wittgenstein enel Teatro europeo contemporaneo. Barcelona: Universidad de Barcelona,2002.

801. GUTER, Eran, Where Language Ends: Ludwig Wittgenstein at theCrossroads of Music, Language, and the World.Boston: University ofBoston, 2002.

802. IVEN, Matthias, <<Wenn etwas Gut ist so ist es auchGottlich. Die Ethik im Leben Ludwig Wittgensteins.Berlin: HumboldtUniversitat, 2002, 548 p.

803. KING, A., Language, logic and ethics. A study of the<<Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus>> and its impact onWittgenstein's subsequent thought. Cambridge: University ofCambridge, 2002.

804. LAWN, C.,The later Wittgenstein and Gadamer'sphilosophical hermeneutics.Dublin: University College, 2002.

805. NGUYEN, Vu-Hao Das Konzept vom Menschen in derSprachphilosophie Wittgensteins. Die anthropologischen Grundlagen furErziehung und intellektuelles Verstehen.Passau: Universitat Passau,2002, XV, 301 p.

806. PHILLIPS, D. M., <<What can be shown, cannot besaid>>: Wittgenstein's conception of philosophy in the<<Tractatus>> and the <<Investigations>>.Durham:University of Durham, 2002.

807. QUINTANA PAZ, Miguel Angel, Normatividad, interpretacion ypraxis: Wittgenstein en un giro hermeneuticonihilista. Salamanca:Universidad de Salamanca, 2002.


808. ADAMO, Christopher, Merleau-Ponty and the Problem ofIntersubjectivity: Encounters with Wittgenstein, Sellars, McDowell, andLevinas on the Foundation, Nature, and Modality of IntersubjectiveReflexions. New York: New School University, 2003.

809. ARISO SALGADO, Jose M.,Wittgenstein o mirar a los ojos.Madrid:Universidad Complutense, 2003.

810. BRICE, Robert G., Wittgenstein's New Kind ofFoundationalism. East Lansing: Michigan State University, 2003.

811. CHAPA AZUELA, Luz M.,La relacion critica de Karl Popper con elCirculo de Viena y Ludwig Wittgenstein. Datos einterpretaciones.Pamplona: Universidad de Navarra, 2003.

812. GABRIELLI, Paolo, Sinn und Bild bei Wittgenstein undBenjamin.Wien: Universitat Wien, 2003, 742 p.

813. GORICKE, Ursula, Poetry as epistemological inquiry: ReadingBernstein reading Cavell reading Wittgenstein. Aachen: TechnischeHochschule, 2003.

814. KNOTT, H. A.,An instint for meaning.Wales: University ofSwansea, 2003.

815. KUUSELA, Ostari, Wittgenstein's conception of philosophyamd philosophical method. Oxford: University of Oxford, 2003.

816. LOS, Paul, The First Wawe: Wittgenstein's Early Influenceupon Russell's Philosophy.Toronto: University of Toronto, 2003.

817. LUNTLEY, Michael, Wittgenstein. Meaning and Judgement.Warwick:University of Warwick, 2003, 208 p.

818. MIRANDA FERREIRO, Marta, Lenguaje y Realidad. Unaconfrontacion con Tomas de Aquino. Roma: Universita della Santa Croce,2003, 299 p.

819. NICHOLL, J. D.,Wittgenstein's private languageargument.Sheffield: University of Sheffield, 2003.

820. O'CONNOR, Reg.Oppression and Responsibility. AWittgensteinian Approach to Social Practices and Moral TheoryUniversityPark: Pennsylvania State University, 2003, 168 p.

821. ORDI FERNANDEZ, Joan, El imperativo del silencio. Sentido del<<Tractatus>> de Wittgenstein a la luz de la tesisseptima.Barcelona: Universidad Ramon Llull, 2003.

822. PEACH, Andrew, <<Denken wir uns>>: ImaginativeScenarios in Wittgenstein's Philosophy. Washington: CatholicUniversity of America, 2003.

823. ROMDENH-ROMLUCK, H., First-person thought and the first-personpronoun: a critique. Sheffield: University of Sheffield. 2003.

824. VINTIADIS, Elly, Teaching Difference: An explication anddefense of Wittgenstein's <<On Certainty>>. New York:City University of New York, 2003.


825. BAIASU, R.,Rethinking transcendental philosophy: a comparativeanalysis of the early Wittgenstein and the later Wittgenstein.Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan (University), 2004.


826. YESTARAN URIZ, Ignacio, Implicaciones para las Ciencias de laMente, las Matematicas y las Ciencias Sociales en el seguimiento dereglas a la luz de L. Wittgenstein.San Sebastian: Universidad del PaisVasco, 2005. Raimundo Drudis. Universidad de Castilla--La Mancha

COPYRIGHT 2006 Universidad de Sevilla, Facultad de Filosofia. Campus Ramon y Cajal
No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder.

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Las Ochocientas tesis y disertaciones sobre Ludwig Wittgenstein--relacion cronologica. (2024)


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